To tired to care

cathie Community member Posts: 143 Contributor
edited October 2017 in Mental health and wellbeing
I can even work out in my  own mind what's going on with my ability to cope with what life's chucking at me daily and how to cope with  it all ..its never got me so down or beat .but my experience at the present time is incompetence is across the board of workers ie housing tax credits d.w.p.assessments doctors ...  it appears there not concerned about people's needs just  meeting dead lines and targets always ready to dish a punishment concqence  if you are not doing as you ate asked  the ability means nothing they don't hear that   I will be the first to admitt they may be over worked under played but there mistakes cause major ripples in the lives of many and they no longer care   . .I'm so tired everything is a huge fight .. to get corrected to tired to even care ... what will be will be .. 


  • Alex
    Alex Scope Posts: 1,282 Pioneering
    Hi @Cathie,

    Sorry to hear you're going through a tough time and having to fight for everything. I hope we can support you in your fight.

  • cathie
    cathie Community member Posts: 143 Contributor
    Thankyou for your comments  I think if been to strong for two long not  doing complaints. or  asking for surport as seen as weakness but its  no longer .about  letting things go and allowing these people to get away with things ... cracks if never felt are taking control ..hard part is trying to control and plaster over with a smile ..gritted teeth .s one thing ..pop goes the weasal in head is quite another .I hope I'm far stronger but its the fact the question is stretch to point of a possible  answer is worrying ..   but appricate your concerns and just an ear can be so much   comfort .allowing to vent is good to ..thankyou ... 
  • tanzy
    tanzy Community member Posts: 16 Listener
    I know just how you feel, but don't give up! I actually came on here to post some good news, and saw your post. After reaching the same point as you, and not having any more energy left for anything - too tired to even think, and basically just gave up, I was notified today that I will recieve p.I.p. for next few years. And this after I cancelled the appt once after op, and then started process again. found I was too exhausted to even go for interview, and called up to say I had to cancel. Atos were very nice on phone and convinced me I had nothing to lose by going, and so i went the next day, thinking that at least it was a day out ie I could see a new view on journey there. came out of the interview expecting nothing, and that was about a month or 3 weeks ago. Today had the news I had been awarded PIP. I can not tell you the relief- unfortunately, the pain has not subsided with joy, LOL, but at least I now feel validated and  a load of financial pressure has been lifted. So dont give up.
  • cathie
    cathie Community member Posts: 143 Contributor
    I really hope you got my reply phone died not sure if sent after a very long text  but if not in fewer words ..good news story's are great  hope pain gets better and thankyou for taking time to read and answer my post  much appricated   hope  they leave you alone now to get on with normality Xx good luck 
  • tanzy
    tanzy Community member Posts: 16 Listener
    Yes, always good to know light is sometimes at end of tunnel. I am just relived that it looks like I will have a roof over my head ie pension and the fact they  believed in me  when I have felt I am hitting head against brick wall through years of dragging myself around in agony, and getting nowhere when I finally went to docs. Prior to that was reinforcing all of my joints and back with straps and bandages, so i resembled a mummy, just so I could get through day as self employed. Normality would be nice, but peace of mind for a while is good for me now. it's a novel feeling tbh.I hope things turn around for you too. take care, recoup your strength, and then go in for another round in the ring .  Best wishes.

  • cathie
    cathie Community member Posts: 143 Contributor
    Lol  Yeh Tyson v me it sure feels like it  if gone toe to two twelve rounds   but u are right get energy levels.up gonna need them in any case  thankyou ....
  • tanzy
    tanzy Community member Posts: 16 Listener
    yes, you must prioritize yourself first and foremost and gather strength for the next chapter;.just nurture yourself as much as possible with things you enjoy and are able to enjoy, and keep your sense of humour and positivity. They might wear it thin, but they cant take it away from you.
  • cathie
    cathie Community member Posts: 143 Contributor
    Always belived that .but big question mark but your words are a light shinning in a dark corner  bless ...
  • tanzy
    tanzy Community member Posts: 16 Listener
    Dont despair, though, as when you do that, you just weaken yourself. I have had 10 years of pain, and stress  and uncertainity, but one thing I decided early on was to not let it ruin my day, so in whatever small way I could, I did things to enjoy as much as I could, and nurture self. I really did not like the feeling of loss of personal power or control ie I was powerless to change situation for the better, and you get worn down, not just by pain, but by the poverty that follows.  So I did little things to take control, such as not opening envelopes at the weekend, unless I personally knew the sender. ( ie greedy companies like British gas, etc, who charge exhorbitant amounts of bills with 7 days to pay etc, should not have the power to ruin your weekend; they can wait til Monday! Stay away from people with negative energy, and become selfish with your own time, and just keep your head low. And every morning, try to think of ten things which you are thankful for. it may be something as simple as being thankful for having clean water, or air to breathe! But it is quite hard to think of ten, and so you are left feeling that things are not too bad, by the time you have thought of them. If you can easily find ten things, make the goal 15, not ten. It just helps  puts things into perspective in a good positive way. And dont waste energy worrying about things you are powerless to change right now. Take care.