
jonjo Community member Posts: 4 Listener
edited October 2017 in Everyday life
I am having a nightmare ATM with sciatic pain anyone any advice please? 


  • cathie
    cathie Community member Posts: 143 Contributor
    I have suffered with back hip legs base of spine .with saliva it's disabling cronic uncomfortably horrific but I belive made far worse with spinal injections wish I'd left it at damm that hurts . Rather than can't walk cramps bending no no lifting no no any form of steps kills .  Keeps me up regular wakes me up can't move if in a spot to long .. just saying my experience try to advise folk that may have been offered this do called pain relief ..err err  horrified by some things you can be left with ..
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,778 Championing
    Hi @jonjo,

    There's lots of useful tips and information in our 'Dealing with chronic pain' category that might be applicable to your situation, such as this discussion on Sciatica.

    One of the resources mentioned within that discussion is this Sciatica Support Forum, which you might also find helpful!
  • cathie
    cathie Community member Posts: 143 Contributor
  • jonjo
    jonjo Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi Cathie ,thanks for the reply .I have an appointment with the pain clinic at the end of the month see what they say