PIP appeal

Daniel Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
edited October 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
At almost 62, with ongoing multiple health issues, I finally went for a long awaited Appeal yesterday. Found it degrading and farcical. Had PIP granted in 2014 removed December 2016, cannot get any reasons, evidence or answers from DWP explaining why. This has been ongoing since September 2017, another review is due in January 2018. My mental and physical health are suffering because of this situation. 

Feel SRN carrying out the medical was not sufficiently aware of my problems, previous was carried out by an Occupational therapist and the latest report did not display the true full facts of my health issues.

DWP from the start would not answer any questions, just gave inaccurate information and told me to wait for the next step each time and over 12 months later I am no further forward. 

Less than 24 hours from leaving the court room, I received the result of the appeal! Of course they have taken all my PIP from me and there still is no explanation as to why I was awarded it in 2014 by an qualified Occupational Therapist to have it removed with an inaccurate assessment report from a SRN, not qualified in my conditions! Don't grow old, they change the retirement ages, I should have been retired now, having worked for 30 years plus and paying a full stamp for 50 years-worth, don't develop illnesses, as they remove 'sick pay' when you cannot work any longer after taking you through a court worse than if you were a criminal. 


  • mssissippi1952
    mssissippi1952 Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener
    That’s shocking was it a tribunal 

  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing

    Sorry to hear your story.  Have you asked tribunal for a statement of reasons?
  • Daniel
    Daniel Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Thank you Yes this was a tribunal, (Interrogation)I have immediately sent for this but can't help wondering why the reasons for this decision was not included with the initial correspondence.
    Must need longer to decide what to put? This has really affected my mental health state, suffering from P.T.S.D.  following a serious car crash several years ago. I feel this has sparked a huge flare up again.
    The panel-members were  bullies and I am pleased I had a witness with me.  
    Still trembling over 24 hours later, a nightmare! I am in my 60s and so upset as to have been spoken to and treated like this after working full time for over 30 years, paying a full NI stamp.
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @daniel, I'm so sorry to hear about your experience and how much it's affected you. How are you feeling about it today? Do let us know how you're getting on.
  • Daniel
    Daniel Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Hello still affecting my mental 'well being'. Can't believe how we were treated. Learnt a panel member had waited and watched us leave the car on arrival. He said  whilst interrogating me about how far I could walk! (How long is a piece of string). He had seen us enter the building and I walked without stopping. This was a lie, I told him I did stop and rested near the gate and then completed the journey of say 20 meters before sitting down inside the court. I was so cross, he said well I could not see past the gate posts or inside the door!!!! If these people are going to slyly spy on disabled people they need to get the report and fact correct! What deceptive methods they use, on vulnerable people, I genuinely did stop, it all seems so unnecessary, if a GP an the specialists report on health that should be enough. These people will not accept answers given to them but go on and on trying to muddle ill people into saying something wrong, or giving up. (Almost left several times).  
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi Daniel

    So sorry that this is happening to you, it is really shocking to be treated this way by a tribunal.
    I know you have taken a battering with this and it will take a bit of time to get your head back, but there is no waiting time to re apply for PIP. So don't waste energy getting mad, get even and reapply as soon as you are able. Take with you what you have learned and use it to your advantage.
    We are of similar age and I am very mindful of the cut off age for PIP and what I can take forward into retirement.
    Come back and have a rant any time, you will always find a listening ear

  • Daniel
    Daniel Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Thank you CR. Have applied for reasons for decision. (can I apply for a new PIP benefit, whilst disputing the removal of the current PIP?)

  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    If you have no award in payment then there is no waiting time. You will only be able to take your current case further if an error of law can be found

  • Daniel
    Daniel Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    That is what I hope to do? Have done so previously. Used a solicitor and won so we are in their 'bad books' so to speak, names underlined.
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Oh you are a bad boy :)
    You would need to be on top of both claims but  it should not stop you making a new claim.
    If you entered a new claim and won then the new decision would take effect and if your old claim was successful at a higher award then that would only be paid up until the date of the new decision. On the other hand, by restarting the process now you could be saving time if you cannot get a correct award via UTT route
    The new claim can be shut down at anytime before a decision is made

    Watching this space

  • Daniel
    Daniel Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Ok, everything takes so long for certain points, yet awarded PIP removes days after medical assessment. UTT is so tiring and exhausting when not well and DWP just will not communicate!