do I have a mental health problem?

chloee0 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited November 2017 in Mental health and wellbeing
Hi my name is Chloe and I see emotion with colour. Due too this I get very bad headaches and Insomnia. I am young but it does not explain the colour.. When I'm sad I see purple and it's different for individual feelings. I rarely get mixed emotions and I feel depressed a lot. I hate describing my emotions with words and I have not told any one. I also sense other peoples emotions with colour too. do I have a mental health problem?


  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    edited November 2017
    Hi Chloe and welcome

    Please don't think that you have a problem, you have a gift.
    You say you are young, most people are young to me :)
    Can you describe a little more about how you see the colours ?
    Do they surround people ?
    Do other peoples colours appear in layers ?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 728 Listener
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  • steve51
    steve51 Community member Posts: 7,122 Championing
    Hi @chloee0

    Welcome to our online community/website.

    Please please don't feel that you have a mental health problem !!!!

    I don't get "hung up" about things like that !!!!!!

    I am what I am now, I have changed alot now but life is far rar better.

    I now focus only on the "Posotives" only !!!!!!

    Anything negitive goes "up & over my head"

    Please let me know if there is anything that I can help you with ??????

  • RebeccaMHadvisor
    RebeccaMHadvisor Community member Posts: 99 Contributor
    Hi @chloee0

    Seeing emotions a colour is actually something scientific rather than a mental health issue. It is where two or more senses are intertwined. There is an article about it that you might find interesting.

    I can hear that it is something that you are worried about and although it is rare, there are other people out there who have the same neurological condition. 

  • adriantesq
    adriantesq Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hiya Chloe - I'm David Adrian Thomas, Esq., M.I.C.H.T., a 72 year old, married, male, retired County Engineer, Surveyor, and Planning Officer, with one child and two grandchildren, and I was the chief instructor of the former County Surveyors Society founded by William the Conqueror, to look after his family members here in England and Wales, as they all had the autism spectrum disorder known these days as Asperger's Syndrome, which made them susceptible to suicidal ideas and attempts when they felt lonely and depressed. He was the Duke of Normandy and his job was to govern Normandy and assert and protect France from nutters from his home country, Norway, who wanted to rape and pillage it and its population to the ground. He could die and come back to life at will, which made him invincible in battle. I too have the condition and died over 2000 times before I was 15, and then lost my memory completely for the next 35 years, so did not remember any of that, until I had a nervous breakdown, and needed hypno-regression therapy to diagnose and treat my breakdown. That's when I found I had this disorder called Asperger's Syndrome, and wham bam, it was like somebody switched on a set of night game football stadium floodlights on in my head, and I suddenly understood why I'd such a bizarre life up until then. The treatment I had was so successful the psychiatrist who fixed me asked me to coach and counsel everyone else I knew who was in any way like me, to help them cope with whatever was troubling them, and I've been doing it now for the past 21+ years and written best sellers about it, and even blogged on The Huffington Post about it, America's most prestigious e-newspaper. At first I only coached and counselled my work colleagues, so we had the use of the secure office intranet system, but they all had to leave, taking early retirement, as the United Nations had just said what we had was a serious mental disease. And they were right, of course, for my colleagues were mostly suicidal, all the time, and some were dying like flies because of it. Worry was the worst thing. I developed a skin condition called psoriasis, which makes your skin go dry, flaky, and itchy, and I used to scratch myself until I bled profusely. I had a colleague who got it all over his body, and literally, itched to death, in hospital, in spite of everything the staff did for him. Anyway. That isn't your problem. Your's is lack of sleep (sleep deprivation) which can quite literally drive you nuts as you get to thinking everyone else in the world is nuts, but you are completely sane. And it would be a serious mistake. You'd be a total basket case, and they'd strap you in straight jacket, throw you in a padded cell, and chuck away the key. Don't panic!! You've done the right thing by telling us because we can mend you, no problem. Do this 7 Steps in 7 Days course, and if it makes you feel better (and it does in c. 99.98% of cases so I'm nearly 100% certain it will) move on up to its big sister, 7 Steps in 98 Days course. It will re-engineer your entire life, and you'll be so glad you asked us the question that you did, that you'll come back and help others, just as we've helped you. The answer to our question is yes, you do have a mental illness but it can be fixed quickly and cleanly - for free - as we charge nothing for these courses. None of us ever had to pay to be taught them, so we don't see that you should either. Step 1 is a hypno-meditation to crush the churning thoughts that are worrying you. Step 2 is a little advice to get yourself a little extra income for your savings with the Christmas season coming upon us. Step 3 teaches you how to raise your 'happy' level way above your depression threshold, so you will never need to be depressed ever again. Step 4 helps you broaden your mind, and see wonderful opportunities that the universe sends you every day to remove any loneliness or isolation you feel because of you special gift of colour vision (I wish I could do it, check out Seventh Voice, an Australian website mainly for females with spooky brains like us. It's full of beautiful artwork. Loads of poetry too. You will love it. I'll bet it will give you new hobbies. Like writing blogs. I can tell you'll be a fabulous writer). Step 5 smashes the nasty whining voice inside you that calls you too fat, too ugly, too stupid, and too worthless, to be able to mend yourself. Step 6 prepares you to become awesome, because that's the road you are now travelling - the road to awesomeness. Step 7 gets you doing something so epic and awesome, that people you regard as awesome, will regard you as awesome too. These lessons on the 7 Steps in 7 Days course will arrive in your email inbox one per day. Its a taster for 7 Steps in 98 Days course as the 7 Steps in 98 Days demands a fair bit of dedication and commitment to get through it, with one email arriving every fortnight. I won't flood your email inbox. But your spam filter might put some of them in your spam inbox, so best check it from time to time. You do not actually have to do it all. Most people are happy just to do Step 1 as all they want is to stop wanting to kill themselves. Some go on and do Step 2 also as they could do with a little extra money and the market research adds extra interest in their lives, even job opportunities, or at least, money earning ideas, such as 'drop shipping affiliateships' (like '' and '' - fabulous clothing, shoes, accessories, at low, low, low, low, prices). Some are content to stop at Step 3, as all they want is to see their eyes sparkling in the mirror again, instead of looking out through deep sunk eyes with dark rings around them, like some kind of Halloween freak. There again, some go to Step 4 to feel what it is like to broaden one's mind so much one can see miles upon miles into the future and see it is filled with sunshine. Step 5 is a doozy. To crush that negative ego inside you that is trying to strangle you with barbed wire around your neck. That is a treat worth waiting for. Indeed, one of my #1 clients now is a teacher of Steps 1-5 as she found Step 5 so worthwhile to attain. And some go all the way to Steps 6 and 7. I tell a story about another of my #1 clients who did this and what it did for him. He was a 17 year old High School student at the bottom of the pecking order in his school at the start. You'll absolutely love it. And relate to it straight away. And you will want it. Okay, not quite as over the top as he went. But it gets out of control - you don't know how fabulous you are until you actually go there. And the 7 Steps in 98 Days takes just under 100 days - or about 3 months - and it is up to you to decide to go all the way, to find out how fabulous you really are. You will never know until you try, and this course gives you every incentive you need to go there and discover the real you. It'll teach you to write a book - start a movement - change the world - if that's what you want - it is well nigh impossible to believe if you are depressed that it can happen to you - which is why I recommend doing 7 Steps in 7 Days as a taster - you'll change your own world in those 7 days - it will take longer to change everybody else's - more like 98. You are going to enjoy this!