Just shows u really

cathie Community member Posts: 143 Contributor
Ok last one folks promise .. Ok picked up paper work from g.p .. it clearly states what my issues are. What I gone through  effect s i suffer after reading the report it clearly states. I was run over .by either a car or may be van wait was it a truck ...  I laughed .. next thing attended Tommy's pain clinic ..got report back . Not only has she totally  mis quotes my answer to her ..not an issue. But she s also made reports  on completely the wrong side of my body   and put she s  upped a medication  from 50 mg  a day to 600 twice a day  .. u are aware this would kill a patient .instead of report  saying 50 to now 100 away .. that's a few errors on one report. We don't stand a bloody  chance   not sure how I'm still smiling  but I am ... just saying ....