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benefits advice

richard81 Community member Posts: 24 Listener
hi all this is just a quick question regarding esa and pip 
hi my name is richard and i have bipolar disorder with phycotic symptoms which can sometimes cause me to suffer with extreme paranoia and trust no one ! .  I have just been awarded pip and severe disability benefit on top of my esa and live alone in my flat and have done for the last 5 years . 
my basic question is would someone who has access to my home 24/7 ie a close family member and knows all my information national insurance no ect who visits me on a regular basis be able to claim careras allowance on my behalf without my consent or me knowing my home belongs to my mother and she has acsess to my home and knows all my personal info i know this sounds rather selfish but as i stated. before being brutally honest i trust know even to the point of not i cant even attend citizens advice because  im so frightened of giving out  any information i have  suffered for so long and come so far to get where i am  that im petrified of jepodisng  everything cause im very vulnerable and  i tend to make irrational decisions and say inappropriate things due to shere panic im a good loyal honest person . i also beleive i have a level of autism but this has not yet been diagnosed any help or advice would be much appreciated or if anyone else has had any similar experiences or advice they could share im completly new to this and feel so alone 
many thanks 


  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,209 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi Richard and welcome

    Thanks for joining our community, you are not alone now

    With regard to carers allowance. When a claim is made, the person being claimed for will be notified that a claim has been made because it can have an effect on the benefits you receive for example SDP.

    So don't worry, nobody can claim without you knowing about it

    Please look around the site, lots of interesting things to read and please join in with the any threads

    If you have any other questions please ask away and we will try and answer

    Be all you can be, make  every day count. Namaste
  • richard81
    richard81 Community member Posts: 24 Listener
    ok thankyou so much 
  • marley77
    marley77 Community member Posts: 7 Connected
    Hello my name is Marley and I suffer with depression and anxiety attacks and other illnesses I'm scared to go out on my own and I don't live with anyone
    I'm getting standard daily living component of pip and as well I get esa ( support) and now ve been award sdp but dwp have send my backdated payment to dwp debt management centre and they have send me a letter saying that have took so much off because of an overpayment owed but I don't know if they will send the rest into my bank or send it back to esa and how long will it take 
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,209 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi marley and welcome

    Any balance should be paid into your bank, You should ring the DWP for an update

    Be all you can be, make  every day count. Namaste
  • marley77
    marley77 Community member Posts: 7 Connected
    Thank you I'll ring them Monday 
  • Tellytubbies
    Tellytubbies Community member Posts: 28 Connected
  • richard81
    richard81 Community member Posts: 24 Listener
    no its severe disability allowance 
  • Tellytubbies
    Tellytubbies Community member Posts: 28 Connected
  • richard81
    richard81 Community member Posts: 24 Listener
    sorry my mistake its severe disability premium which is added on to your esa if you qualify for daily living component of pip 
  • Tellytubbies
    Tellytubbies Community member Posts: 28 Connected
  • richard81
    richard81 Community member Posts: 24 Listener
    no you can still be entitled to daily living pip even if you haven't applied for sdp 
    sdp is just a exta benefit top up for esa but one of requirements for sdp is the daily living component of pip there may be other ways to quality for sdp but i must state that im not a benefits expert or advisor but i know this from personal experience. there are experts on this web  site which will be able to point you in the right direction . 
    or you  can always look on the direct gov website  that explains this futher ! as i believe there may be other ways to qualify for sdp but sdp has no inpact on pip whatsoever its the other way around 
    hope this helps 
    best regards 
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Pioneering

    Richard's advice is good - the severe disability premium is part of your income-related employment and support allowance (ESA). It can also be part of income support, or part of pension credit once you are of pension credit age. It becomes part of housing benefit calculations too, but only if you are not 'passported' to maximum housing benefit because you're getting income-related ESA, income support etc.

    You shouldn't have to apply for it, but sometimes it does get missed, so it is worth checking with the DWP if you're not sure. 

    To get the premium you need to be on:

    attendance allowance OR daily living component of PIP OR middle or higher rate care component of DLA

    So if you're currently on DLA and being transferred to PIP you may already be getting it, as long as you meet the other conditions, but you'll need your PIP award to include at least the standard rate of daily living.

    The other conditions are that no one is receiving carer's allowance for you. As discussed above, the DWP would always contact you if someone has claimed this, so you'd know.

    Third condition - you live alone. This is a complicated condition but to give you some examples, you might not get the SDP if you live with a partner or a grown up child or other relative. Lodgers/tenants or people who are jointly liable for rent wouldn't affect the SDP though.

    It's a lot of extra money so worth checking, especially if you are waiting for a decision on PIP or DLA.

    The Benefits Training Co:

  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Pioneering

    You should get the SDP backdated to the date that the PIP award is backdated to. It's a bit more complicated than that but I'd expect that, if you've consistently been living alone with no one getting carer's allowance, and you were already getting ESA before the PIP decision. 

    I don't think we'll be able to get to the bottom of the overpayment here on the forum, but if you can get a benefits adviser to come to your home and look at the letter, it might be helpful. Some CABx do home visits. Sometimes overpayments get calculated incorrectly, and sometimes you can argue that the DWP shouldn't recover the overpayment. You'd need someone to look at the paperwork and do a bit of digging though, I think. You could also try contacting the Scope helpline to see if there's a disability information and advice service who could come round.

    Otherwise, as CR says, the balance of ESA arrears owed to you after the overpayment is deducted should go into your bank account.

    The Benefits Training Co:

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