thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
Hello I would like to warn all drivers who are like myself.  With the days becoming shorter I was put in the impossible position of giving someone who I did not know a lift.  I know and admit this now I am a Christian charitable gentleman.  I live in a small little rural village and was parked waiting to go into a chemist.  I was approached by a young lad struggling with shopping and bags.  Persuaded me to give him a ride home.  Not far and as the afternoon was going dark well what is the harm he said not far.  All through the short journey explained his circumstances and his life story.  All the time playing on my conscious for handouts and things that he wanted and needed.  I tried to explain my situation he not listening.  I got scared when he started about himself and everything.  I mean I was like him once but I sorted myself out and helped myself much as possible.  I contacted charities for help and advice regarding my mental issues and my disability.  Put myself through hardship to get anything I want for home and for clothes.  It been a struggle and still is to maintain ones self but I was not expecting that from a young lad.  Once I said have police on mobile but he just kept going on.  Stopped the car and he jumped out took all his shopping and ended up putting it all in two large bags I use for shopping.  No thank you and off he went.  In my own home I sat and wondered was I like that.  It is a small village and I hope I do not meet him again.  This a worry I will have to say no and expect that he will have to suffer.  I am not a self centred person and will help anybody.  There has to be a line between being used and being kind and supportive.  I hope and pray that others like me especially this time of year do not get preyed upon.  Would he help me I wonder I dropped that at the end when he got out.  No response at all.  In the end I have learnt a lot about humanity.  I do worry about that he might find out where I live but I know I have the option to not open the door and will have to say no.


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  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @DannyMoore thank you for being understanding.  I believe in good honesty and openness about this.  I have decided to mark this one up as a life lesson.  One of my issues is that I did not want anything thing from him.  I have given this some thought and agree with your comments.  I am on my own and being lonely sometimes people can sense that you are.  I went for a haircut and was discussing this at the weekend.  The person who was cutting my hair said sometimes you need to be aware of what is happening especially these days.  Be what they call a bit streetwise.  I am only human and do feel vunerable when going outside.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 728 Listener
    edited November 2017
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  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello@DannyMoore thank you for wise words.  I feel that you are right in what you say.  I know I pray and use the bible and seek the words for comfort.  I have problems in judging people.  A lot of it is that I do not meet many people.  I do have trust issues but when you are put into a position like this.  Do you have to say no.  I am one of those people who suddenly caught off guard.  When being not good with people I get the fear factor.  I do believe like your self that somethings happening out there.  People especially this time of year always on the look out for a way to be self centered and selfish.  With the problems in this country the issues being in the news everyday.   I do feel this is going to happen more and more.