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kit Community member Posts: 24 Connected
Hi I have had my bundle from dwp and just waiting for a date for my pip appeal. I have an updated letter from my Doctor and one from my consultant can i send this to the appeals now  before my appearance . x


  • loopyt
    loopyt Community member Posts: 79 Contributor
    Hi Kit, yes, take a copy for yourself then send them to the tribunal. I think they also send a copy to DWP. Wishing you success x
  • kit
    kit Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    Thank you very much loopyt I will make copies tomorrow and get it sent straight off xx
  • loopyt
    loopyt Community member Posts: 79 Contributor
    I have just received my tribunal decision (I couldn't attend so it was based on papers) and my appeal was allowed so I hope all goes well for you x
  • kit
    kit Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    Did you ask for paper hearing on the form loopyt. I am very pleased it was passed for you. I am truly dreading going to the appeal and now I wish that I had asked for my appeal to be done on paper it is making me really ill just thinking about the actual thing xx
  • loopyt
    loopyt Community member Posts: 79 Contributor
    I did request a paper hearing on the form. I really could not have coped with attending. I understand from the many comments on the forum that the courts are extremely busy so I was really surprised how fast I received a decision. I am still very anxious as I don't know how the DWP will respond but o hope the tribunal decision will be respected. I sent a letter from my GP to the court about 10 days ago so I was surprised to receive the letter last week. I think you can put on the form that you whether you want a paper hearing and then if you change your mind and prefer to attend you can still request this with 2 weeks notice. This forum is the best help you can get so I am sure someone will respond with much better advice, it helps so much. X
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,765 Championing
    Hi @kit, sounds like you've had some good advice off @loopyt above. Best of luck with your appeal - keep us updated on how it goes and let us know if you have any further questions. Fingers crossed for the outcome you're hoping for!
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing

    Hi @kit

    Good to see you've got the evidence in, and congrats @loopyt on your success!

    Loopyt is spot on in recommending that you send the evidence in as soon as possible, and quite right that this will also be copied to the DWP.

    As regards the hearing, whilst I'm pleased that loopyt was able to be successful without attending, in general your chances of success are MASSIVELY reduced by requesting a paper hearing. Therefore it is always my advice that appellants attend if they can - I really appreciate that it is an intimidating thing to have to do, but the Tribunal won't be asking any legal questions, they'll just be fact-finding about how your condition affects you on a day to day basis. Loopyt is quite right in saying that you can change to opt for a paper hearing any time - but please don't!

    Kind regards,
