
rache66 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
I have applied thru my doc for a powered wheelchair becoz my mobility has gotten so bad due to fibromyalgia. Osteo parosis and now bone marrow cancer.i was put on the "URGENT"waiting list 1 month ago now and today i had a call to sayvthat yes i did qualify for the wheelchair.which i would use mostly outside as i live in a very small bungalow and i use crutches to get from my room to thr lounge kitchen and bathroom.a space of 6 feet for all 4 from my front door.i was told that becoz i didnt need do much inside and becoz my entry into my house was up a step i could not have one..surely this cant be right how do i get around alone outside without one.i really dnt kow where to turn.isvthere a charity that would help fund such an item that i could then gain freedom and feel the luxury of going out alone aagain.i have storage for it and it would make my life so much eadier.i could go to hosp apts chemo .shopping to the pool loads of places and on a bus as well.anyone got any idea's please xx


  • Boychris
    Boychris Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
    Hi rach66, I had a similar problem, The NHS Wheelchair service have strict criteria, I wanted a wheelchair for mainly outside as inside I have special equipment, they said no to an outside one, and also said they do not do one for outside use, ?????? Anyway, I went to y local council for a home assessment for my needs, social service fed back to the wheelchair service and two months later I had a brand new chair, for internal and external use. If you have a full home assessment for your needs through social services, you might find the council will put a ramp in, therefore making it, an adapted property in which the wheelchair service will then agree to an electric wheelchair, failing this your GP could contact them with a special form stating your requirement for an electric wheelchair, the wheelchair service will only listen to the patient once you have become a service user of theirs  I hope this will help good luck but do not give up 
  • AlexW_Scope
    AlexW_Scope Scope Posts: 223 Empowering
    Hi @rache66

    Hope this might be of use?

    Getting a wheelchair.