Re my p I p assessment

gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
edited December 2017 in PIP, DLA, and AA
i had my assessment 4 weeks ago nearly and phoned last Friday for a copy of the report they said Yh sure as soon as the decision makers finished with it ur case it with the decision maker. My question is how long is it likely to be there? And my p I p is due tomorrow will it go in as usual if they stop it or reduce it do they do so straight away or even backdate it!! I e take money off from before the assessment? I was only on standard for both anyway but would like to keep it. I hate this waiting. I go over and over the actual assessment and relive my questions and answers each time making myself think oh I should have replied differently but what will be will be!. 


  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @gerrys6, I really hope you get the outcome you're hoping for. Waiting times appear to be really variable at the moment, taking between 2-12 weeks, but hopefully you will hear something soon. I wonder if @CockneyRebel has any advice for you?
  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    Do they stop the money before sending a written decision or do you only realise the decision because the money isn’t paid as usual! 
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @gerrys6 You have a right to the copy of your report to be sent asap after you request it. You should not have to wait for the decision to be made. I would ring again and insist on it being sent and if the reply is the same as before take the name of whoever you speak to and the time and date of the call and threaten to report the advisor. You need the report to see how your decision was made and do a Mandatory Reconsideration if you're not in full agreement with the Decision.
  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    @wildlife am I to suppose it never went well because my money is not there today ? I ve already requested a copy of the report last week waiting on that to come however I do not know the decision by dwp yet. 
  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    Well I rang and they ve stopped my mobility component and standard rate only (as was) for daily living. They are recalculating and have sent me a letter does this mean they ll take money off me for paying mobility to date? It’s unfair I said my mental health was worse arthritis was worse yet they stop it... bloody p......d off
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @gerrys6 Try to stay positive. Not sure if you mean they've stopped your mobility till they sort out your new award or if it's been taken off you altogether? If they've sent you a letter that should be arriving any day now and will tell you what your new benefit will be. Try and focus on other things that will make you feel better till your letter arrives. There's no point in feeling so down about something you don't yet know. 
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    If you are worried that you owe them money then don't be. PIP is normally paid 4 weeks in arrears so there is no way that you will be asked to repay anything.

    Was this a reassessment ?
    Did you complete a PIP2 or the short review form ?
    Did you send back up evidence from GP etc. ?

    No matter, get ready for MR.

    It is important to understand the points system.descriptors and criteria for an award. It is very usefull to use thier terminology when making a claim. A good starting place is the B&W self test.

    When you get your copy of the report come back with your questions.
    Remember that you have one month from the date of the decision letter to ask for an MR, but don't rush. You need the report to make a challenge and time to gather supporting evidence. You can request an MR a week before the dead line by phone and also follow up with the request in writing. Check that they have received it before the deadline


  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    thanks for your advice it was a reassessment f2f short form filled in in July f2f in November they told me on phone today that I ve lost the mobility part of it so only on standard rate for daily living now I’ve only been in it for 2 years anyway and that was standard on both ... and last time I only got that on mandatory reconsideration because I got no points. Seems they’re easing me off it now... thing is I said my anxiety jabs depression had gotten worse (daily living ) as had my arthritis (mobility) backing up the mental health with an assessment from mental health who gave a score! Anyway it meant nothing now but I was down for cbt too that I couldn’t follow through too anxious to go I hardly go out so don’t get the system at all can’t wait to see what they vevssid in the assessment and decision making 
  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    @wildlife they have stopped mobility from my new award and are in the process the lady said of recalculating the award hence why I got nothing today the letter is in the post I expect last months money minus the standard rate mobility will follow! I shall read thru the assessment papers and see what went wrong!! Gutted I am but hey if they d stopped the standard daily living then I’d be really gutted. I want to go to m r but am scared of losing the daily living too fgs why’s it all so hard
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @gerrys6 Thanks for explaining more about your PIP. I can only say that when you see the report you may be seeing what many of us have experienced which is that assessor's aren't  always being honest about what went on at your assessment. Have a look at why they're still giving you the daily living and try and decide how strong that is, is it based on evidence and is it what they've given you all along? If so it's very unlikely you'll lose it. Then look at whether you have a equally strong argument for getting some mobility back. That shouldn't be as difficult if you've had it before and lost it rather then trying to get it for the first time. Only you can decide whether to do an MR but hopefully this advice will help you decide what to do. You can also ring to speak to a Decision Maker about your award with no commitment to do an MR if you explain you're trying to decide what to do but I would wait for your report before doing anything or making any decisions. Maybe have a break and start afresh when the report arrives.     
  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    Thanks @wildlife I never knew I could speak to s decision maker can they change their mind? 
    I will weigh it all up when the report gets here incidentally how long should it take for the money to be up and running again it’s straightforward to me that u simply deduct the 22 per week! 
    Will it start before m r or will it stop until after the m r date? (I had the money spent!)..
    thanks for your advice again.
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Any money owed sholud be paid until a new decision is made so you should receive payment while waiting for MR

  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    And can a decision maker change their mind?
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Yes a DM can change the decision before an MR but it is better to try and speak to them before the decision is made

  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    But the decisions been made do you mean the mandatory reconsideration? I have  just received my assessment papers however the DM s points and conclusions aren’t there but definitely a lot of descriptors scored lower than it should be which is infuriating !! So I’m going to have to ring the DM and if I don’t have any luck with them then I’ll gave to go to c a b or dascas to get them to help me write up (in more intellectual and knowing terms than I could) the m r I haven’t had the decision notice or award as yet is the m r one month from that date? They say I walked 30 metre to and from the assessment room unaided which is rubbish I held onto my daughter and there’s no way I could do it repeatedly either ... Also I need no help or guidance going to an unknown place !!! I don’t go nowhere on my own even familiar places and planning and undertaking a journey to somewhere I don’t know don’t happen I’d leave it up to my neighbour or friend or whoever’s driving to sort that out or I’d end up crying! I don’t look depressed. I look well kempt Yh coz I’d had myself up since the crack of dawn popping pills to keep calm popping painkillers and fretting over how I looked which I say was rough as hell and I do look depressed unless you ve seen me happy and smiling how could you know whether I look depressed or not I st two weeks before at my Esa assessment they said I did look depressed they said I had poor eye contact they said I looked to my daughter for support well it was the same for this one... god I’m so annoyed ..
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    It sounds like you have got a copy of the assessment report, this shows you how the HCP scored you and the areas that you need to challenge, especially the reliability factors of your walking

    Although it is annoying when the HCP misrepresents the facts you will only score points for showing that you meet the criteria for each descriptor

    You have one month from the date of the decision letter , to request an MR.
    It is a good idea to get help if you can

  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    Yes I’m waiting on the decision letter and award notice I take it this is where I’ll see how I scored.. from the DM that is. 
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    The decision letter will detail your award and payment cycle. If you disagree with the result then you need to request an MR. As you already have a copy of the assessment report you can start working on your MR just in case

  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    Thanks @CockneyRebel
  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    I’m on the phone to p I p after getting my award letter there’s a lot of queries and they say they’ve overpaid me!! How’s that work is it because they’ve took mobility off me so reduced my award. But how’s that mean I’ve been overpaid ? Since it’s a fresh decision as of 26 November I last had money on the 1 st November which surely was for October so there’s nothing about me getting November’s money even at the reduced rate! Help what do I do