Royal mail

freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
I sent a document to capita yesterday by special delivery at the cost of £6.45 to be guarenteed delivery today by 1pm only to find out its not been delivered its bad enough the DWP letting things get mislaid but the royal mail disgraceful


  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Nightmare. That's so much money for them not to honour it 
  • Chaoskay
    Chaoskay Online Community Member Posts: 74 Contributor
    Have you got your receipt and proof that it didn't arrive on time?  I should think you'd be entitled to get your money back, might be worth enquiring?
  • freckles
    freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
    Yeah my other half sent royal mail an email at how disgusted we were with there service but not had a reply not surprised the royal mail and DWP have a lot in common with not replying
  • Chaoskay
    Chaoskay Online Community Member Posts: 74 Contributor
    They owe you a reply at the very least I think.  
    Good luck with sorting this out.  
  • freckles
    freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
    Only a minority of things get sorted out we are the poor, sick mentally ill, disabled people who if we are lucky get things going our way to which is rare!!!! we will always be be the poor relations in this country under a conservative goverment
  • Chaoskay
    Chaoskay Online Community Member Posts: 74 Contributor
    It's frustrating, but we can only try to make things better.
  • freckles
    freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
    Yes we can we need someone strong in goverment to stand up for us and listen and hold this goverment to account for all the cuts they have made to sick and disabled people we are always the easy targets and we will end up paying for the brexit bill 
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    Sending information to DWP goes to their central postal sorting department even if address to where you thought it was going, gets there after being scanned on to their cumputer system then forwarded to correct department, it's a pain but that's how they do things.