My conditions

sharbod Community member Posts: 6 Listener
Hi everyone I have just joined this group and i have several debilitating conditions that seems to be worsening. I am on pip and esa for osteoarthritis of the left knee right ankle right hip and lower spine  avascularnecrosis plantar fasciitis, my conditions will not improve and only pain relief and crutches help me to move painfully slowly. I have been awarded these benefits until 2019, I know I am the lucky person but I will have a form to state if my conditions have changed as mine have, its a midway assessment form, mine have and what do I put on the form to say deteriorating health but something that won't prompt a new claim? I would appreciate answers that relate to people's experience of this form as I am dreading it I am in the support group of esa thank you 


  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hello sharbod and welcome

    Is this a review form for PIP or ESA ?

    What is your current PIP award ?
     ie. enhanced for both components or are you entering a change of circumstance to increase your benefit ?

    With any review it is very possible that a new f2f will be required especially as your condition has deteriorated

  • sharbod
    sharbod Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi cockneyrebel esa standard for both I have had 2 f2f interviews anxiety through roof, I will go to another interview if necessary but it's a fine balancing act between not making a new claim but not losing what I am fortunate to have , just had my left knee replaced and my walking is dreadful now....depression is horrible sb
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    I like going to these assessments even if it is just to see how much these robots
    ( assessors ) have became humanoid
    It is  in my opinion, worth treating any review like a new claim. Send in any evidence that you have, even if it is the same as before.
    For ESA some SG claimants will only have to have one more f2f if their condition meets certain criteria befroe getting a lifetne award

    For PIP you need as much relevant back up medical evidence as you can get.but with a deterioration yu will have a new f2f

    There are some good self tests on the B&W site for both

    Have a look and come back with any questions


  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing

    I can't really add to CR's excellent advice. If you have got worse, then say so - but it is impossible to be sure of avoiding a face to face assessment. It definitely helps if you can provide recent medical evidence - but provide what you can. If you have got worse, you would definitely need medical evidence of how this affects you, to have any chance of avoiding a face to face assessment, and even with evidence you can still be called for one.

    As CR says, for ESA, your next face to face could be your last, but that depends on you being assessed as having a lifetime/deteriorating condition and being in the support group. If you are put in the support group again, you should also get a decision about whether or not you will be reassessed in the future.

    I'm so sorry - the anxiety is horrible to live with. Do consider going to your MP about all this as we really need to get the assessment system changed if possible.
