Hi, my name is bjenk68!

bjenk68 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
Joined group to see if I am getting the correct benefits as I am not able to work due to chronic arthritis and also be nice to speak to others in the same boat


  • robinhood8
    robinhood8 Community member Posts: 128 Empowering
  • AlexW_Scope
    AlexW_Scope Scope Posts: 222 Empowering
    edited December 2017
    Hi @bjenk68

    You can check your benefits entitlements on our online benefits checker.

    If you have any further questions, ask away as our community is here to help.

    Best wishes, Alex
  • steve51
    steve51 Community member Posts: 7,122 Championing
    Hi @bjenk68

    Good morning!!!!

    Please please let me know if I can help you with your benefits ????

    Many thanks.
  • bjenk68
    bjenk68 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi all.

    I feel very alone and isolated even though I have an enormously supportive wife and two children well adults.  I feel like my life has stopped,  it has been just over 5 years since this started and the medication nearly lost me my life after my immune system went into shutdown.  My wife is my carer and she has a part time job which she needs for independence,  financially we struggle because I get ESA support package and pip full mobility and standard care,  but I do not qualify for help as it is all based on contribution based ESA.   This puts and makes me feel under pressure as I used to have a great job with good money,  now I feel like I am just existing and we certainly do not have the money to do things together. I feel awful about the pressure on my family, the illness is slowly taking my life away from me and my family,  surely there has got to be something that financially I am missing or at least I hope so
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,765 Championing
    Hi @bjenk68, have you had a look at the online benefits calculator that was suggested above? You enter your details, and it highlights any potential benefits awards that you may be entitled to claim: it's a good way of checking that you're not missing out on any benefits that you should be receiving. Have a go, and do come back to us if you have any further questions!
  • steve51
    steve51 Community member Posts: 7,122 Championing
    Hi @bjenk68

    Good afternoon!!!!!

    Have you managed to try the benefit calculator???

    If you need a hand please let me know!!!!!!!

    Do you have any hobbies that you can persue????

    Is there anything that you can learn Online????

    I have got a portfolio off courses  that I’m very very interested in.

    There can all be learned here at home once I’m back on my feet.

    Yes my wife who is my career works full time & my kids are also at college & work so mon to fri I spend most of the time by myself.

    I make sure that I fill the day’s with plenty of job’s/task’s so I don’t get bored.

    Please please let me know if I can help/support you further ????? 

  • bjenk68
    bjenk68 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thanks I will have a look at that calculator.  I have hobbies trouble is the pain stops me most of the time from doing them plus if I do too much then things are worse for days,  no win situation which lots of us are in
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing

    Hi @bjenk68

    I really feel for you! And so sorry you're feeling so isolated and down.

    Benefits wise - possibly Carer's Allowance for your wife? Her earnings would have to be no more than £116/week, so depends on how much she earns from her part-time job...

    I'm sure your family don't feel pressurised by your situation - maybe have a chat with your wife about how you feel. Possibly getting budgeting advice could help with the cashflow, there are bound to be services locally who could help with that? Also there might be ways you could help while stuck at home that could help you feel like you're making a positive impact... https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/categories/cutting-costs

    Keep in touch with us!

    Kind regards,


  • sleepy1
    sleepy1 Community member Posts: 297 Empowering
    Hello all
    I'm new here and glad to have found this site as from what I have read so far it seems like there are some very nice knowledgable people on board willing to help each other. I'm just getting to grips with how the site works so please forgive me if I make mistakes.

    With regards to disability benefits I need some advice.  In 2011 I spent months in hospital with a rare neurological condition, with help from my sister I managed to get an award of the highest care and mobility entitlement for 12 months.  Then even though my problems remained the same the DWP decided somehow I was fit for work and cancelled all benefits.  To cut a long story short I have been in the appeal saga ever since, eventually a tribunal judge ruled that I was entitled to PIP until 16/06/18
    A from from DWP arrived to review my claim,which I filled in with basically no change, sent back then because I was to ill to turn up for an assessment they have now cancelled my PIP payments.

    My question is does the Court ruling saying the PIP will be paid until 16/06/18 have any merit or can the DWP just over rule the Judges decision?

    Any advice on this will be most welcome

    Love Rosie


  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi sleepy1 - I'm sorry you're having a bad time with your benefits. The rules say that if you don't attend or take part in the assessment without good reason, taking into account your state of health and the nature of any disability, then the claim will be disallowed. Even if your award technically lasts until next year, it is not unusual to have to go through the review process months beforehand. The DWP case manager should have contacted you to establish the reasons for your non-attendance. If the case manager refuses to accept that you had good reason for non-attendance, then you can challenge this decision, with the right of appeal. You may find it helpful to call the Scope helpline on 0808 800 3333 and they may be able to find a local advice agency, such as Citizens Advice, who can help you to challenge the decision to stop your PIP, (and perhaps try and help with your ESA too if that has been stopped). Try and start the process of challenging the decision within one month if you can. There is also a website called www.benefitsandwork.co.uk - this is partly a subscription website, but people on benefits get a much reduced rate, and you can then access very useful materials on challenging decisions, and you can also get support from their online moderators. 
    Good luck!
