Hi, my name is Friendship!

Friendship Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
It’s a difficult life when your aging and disability is making life more difficult and the mind is active and living on your own. I’m up late most times because I can’t sleep suffering with anxiety it would help to be able to contact someone to chat with during those lonely times to pass the time and discuss ways to help make our lives more meaningful


  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hello Friendship and welcome

    We have members that are here all times of day and night so please join in with any thread or start a new one

  • Baloo456
    Baloo456 Scope Member Posts: 8 Connected
    How, I'm Sharon, lovely to meet you, I have. Aspergers syndrome, and my now adult children are both autistic. I also struggle with anxiety, though mostly my anxiety is to do with events and situations out of my flat. Let me know if I can help with your. Anxiety issues. 
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing

    Good afternoon & Welcome!!!!

    It’s great to meet you today.

    Yes please please let me know know if I can help you with this???????
  • Friendship
    Friendship Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hello Steve I don’t think there is anyone on earth that can help me with constant aches and pains all over my body Doctors and the medical profession can help but they can’t perform miracles I think realistic and everything I suffer with and any additional problems that  I may have going forward are like another way of being tortured until death there are a lot of people worse off than me and I wish they could all be cured of they’re physical and mental problems but eventually all of us will die and hopefully we are relieved of the emotional and physical pain that we feel on our home earth who knows there’s no human being that does God Bless as is said by humans I hope all of us that suffer on this earth have to believe there must be a reason for all of lifes mysteries and all the suffering some people live wth and amongst all over this world thanks for your e mail all the best Mark 

  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Friendship

    I’m very very sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

    I had more stomach surgery before Xmas.

    Unfortunatly the same result as 3yrs ago.

    Back to square one!!!!!   

    How are things going????
  • Friendship
    Friendship Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    I’m sorry to hear your back to square 1 after your surgery I’m feeling very bad and had to get to podiatry for my appointment to have toenails cut and I had an ingrown one which was causing more pain to add to my pain list at least it helped relieve me of the pain in the big toe what a life!

  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Friendship

    Good evening I hope that your toe nails are better now???

    That’s the last thing you need when you are already full of “pain”

    Many Thanks.
  • Friendship
    Friendship Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi Steve it’s always one thing after another at least that pain is gone tanks hope your coping ok
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Friendship  

    Yes it tends to be that way my friend.

    We / you need to break that cycle if possible.

    “Pain” isn’t just physical it is also mental.

    Do you find it gets worse when you have anything going on with friends/family???

    I focus on my hobbie (PC’s)

    They certainly take my mind off things full stop.

    My kids / family also keep me on my toes.

    My day’s are “Full” off activities so that “Pain take’s a back stick!!!!

    How are things generally???

  • Friendship
    Friendship Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Everything in this world is in a mess I don’t have imaginary pain but it helps to communicate with someone that is positive on world that is in a mess spiritually, physically and any other way you care to mention. I am a realist and I feel sorry for the young growing up in the world we’re all living on there are very serious problems and people’s lives are more important than all of the material things anyone can accumulate Our home earth is facing some serious problems and not enough is being done to save us Look at the mess the NHS is in Look at all the  homeless think of humanity there are more people suffering and it’s difficult not to realise everything is getting worse I know elderly people in they’re 80’s that worked 40 years and more and they can see the world is headed towards some very serious problems and the future looks increasingly frightening things generally for me are one day at a time struggling as each day passes and hoping to see the sunshine! 
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @Friendship
    Welcome to the community