Pip review

freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
All 1.6 million peoples PIP cases to be reviewed this is good news


  • dottydotty
    dottydotty Online Community Member Posts: 321 Empowering
    Freckles  I wonder if it will include all  the people who,  unfairly  have lost their awards . 
  • freckles
    freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
    I dont no but i will fight the charlatans all the way i think we have all had enough now of the way pip/esa assesements are done how can an assesesor make judgement on a persons disability or mental health when they dont no you like your GP or consultant no you they can tell total lies about you at your assesement i think GP,s or consultants letters/reports on any disability or mental illness should be enough to support your case but this is,nt always the case the DWP like you to go through these humiliating assesements and then some DWP decision maker makes the wrong decision so hey ho more stress and anxiety pilled on top of you because you have to send a letter for a MR if that fails then a tribunial its all to make us feel down trodden
  • dottydotty
    dottydotty Online Community Member Posts: 321 Empowering
    freckles  just been reading  this ;    If you are going through a reconsideration or appeal, you or someone supporting you might want to reference these changes to make sure that the person making the decision takes them into account.    My  Reconsideration  is being dealt wit I'm keeping  my fingers crossed and my toes ,according to my assessement report   I can stand on my left feet and raise my right legs ,    
  • Salamka101
    Salamka101 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor
    I have watched the whole PiP debacle unfold for some time and watched the select committee examination of Atos and Capita with great interest. Were it not for Brexit PiP would have been a major scandal, as it is Media preoccupation with Brexit has relegated PiP to a relatively uninteresting sideshow with much of the scandal passing by almost unnoticed.                                                                        We learned that the DWP had a secret internal target of accepting assessments unchecked but at the same time regarded 55% of Atos, 45% of Capita assessments as unsatisfactory. Was this simply a way of training both companies to submit Assessments that were unfavourable by any pretext. The high success rate at the final Tribunal stage suggests the tactic worked all too well.                     I seriously doubt the review of 1.6m claims will fare any better and I find the reaction to the 'profit warning' issued by Capitas so soon after the review was announced with great scepticism. I rather suspect it was simply a warning to the Government that if they expect that Company to assist the review in any way it will cost.
  • dottydotty
    dottydotty Online Community Member Posts: 321 Empowering
    Salamka101    slightly off topic but you may know  the answer . My  PIPaward was reassessed  and downgraded to NIL POINTS .  on reading the decision makes reasons  it states that she has changed the descriptors  choices previously  chosen  ?   I have no idea if she means the recent  assessors   choice descriptors ,   or the descriptors  from my 2014  assessment .  Am in the reconsideration  stage   and am confused .
  • freckles
    freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
    I think it mite mean what you put on your original form 
  • dottydotty
    dottydotty Online Community Member Posts: 321 Empowering

    freckles   Thanks  .  Trouble is I do not have a copy of my assessment in  2o14 . I  only have the decision makers letter  and the award  enhanced  care  standard mobility ,      .scored  only 2 point on recent  assessment  and that  was because I had physical proof  wearing my hearing  aid .   Have asked  dwp to expand on this  and am awaiting reply .  The whole process is so stressful  if no reconsideration  I will not attempt tribunal ,  my health is suffering already .  

  • freckles
    freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
    Its so hard the goverment and dwp really dont care about the stress and anxiety it causes thats on top of the already stress and anxiety a lot of this will be put under the carpet cos goverment are more interested in brexit instead of anything else whats going on.... 1.6 million pip cases to be reviewed they wont rush that i like you am sick and tired of all this hassle trying to get the right benefit 
  • dottydotty
    dottydotty Online Community Member Posts: 321 Empowering
    Freckles  you are so right ,  just another thought   not having a copy of my report 2014.     I am now  thinking  have   the actual descriptors  changed  since 2014 ?.  If so then the Dwp  should surly use the old  descriptors  as it is not a new application   and my award was to run until july 2018. I'm going round in circles  .
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    The descriptors that apply are those in force on the day of the assessment. it would seem that the DM disagreed with the assessors recomendation. Do you have a copy of the assessment report ?

  • freckles
    freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
    I photocopy my medical form before i send it back
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @dottydotty Regarding your legs do you have 2 of each? According to your assessor you appear to have more than the usual 1 of each. Seriously though I agree with @freckles that signed headed medical evidence should be enough. It would also save a lot of money. The only exception being those who refuse to engage with anyone medical or indeed anyone who could verify their disability. We have an adopted son with LD and serious mental health issues which could and have harmed himself and others in the past. I was his appointee in 2011 when things were different and I was able to provide evidence without him knowing. For ESA I didn't go with him to his assessment and he scored 0 points. No MR then on to Tribunal which I did attend. The evidence I provided before hand got him 47 points even before they'd interviewed him. PIP was easier then as they took ESA into account, but now I fear he would lose both if reviewed. So I do know there are exceptions who have to be assessed but this should be done honestly and with consideration that people do not always fit into the set criteria. So not being able to provide evidence does not mean there is no disability and for these people an assessment is vital to have a fair and just outcome. The way things are at the moment is barbaric and smacks of the days when the disabled were hidden in back alleys or mental hospitals. This is 2018 and we're supposed to be a civilized society. My own claim is far from settled with an early review to come in 2 years time and Standard rate DL through the lies on my report. Keep fighting @dottydotty it will be more stressful to give in as the injustice will eat away at you.This is only my advice and may not be right for you but I know how I feel when I've backed down and how good it feels to not let them get away with this.  
  • freckles
    freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
    Wildlife your spot on keep fighting dottydotty keep fighting
  • dottydotty
    dottydotty Online Community Member Posts: 321 Empowering
     Wildlife   Yes I have several legs , exact quantity unknown ,also I have an unknown quantity of feet   "   I can stand on my left feet " etc       Thankyou  for all the replies  and comments , so it looks like the decision maker has changed the assessors  descriptor  choices , ive been pinning the blame ,on my assessor as the report  was full of lies  errors  , so if he had made a truthful report I would still not have gained any points .. its a no win situation . The decision letter was written  on a Sunday Jan 7th , Wonder why they were working on a Sunday ?  Final question if I could drive would that lessen the need for my being able to walk ?
  • freckles
    freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
    Yeah my assesement was done on a wednesday and assesesors report done on a sunday unless they take it home sit there with a brew playing eney meney miny mow
  • dottydotty
    dottydotty Online Community Member Posts: 321 Empowering

    freckles   that made me laugh .  Are you in the tribunal stage ? or have you now received your award?   .Mine is a reconsideration and just hope they take into account the new ruling . I might drop them a line to remind them .  my  recorded  delivery costs are mounting up .

  • dottydotty
    dottydotty Online Community Member Posts: 321 Empowering
    apologies  for all the questions ,  if my reconsideration fails ,  how soon  can I reapply for PIP . also on back of my assessors report it says no functional impairment . ( should have gone to Specsavers )   review again in 8 years .  does this mean I have to wait 8years .
  • freckles
    freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
    I sent my MR on wed 31st jan via special delivery it was signed for by the same person as last time and the time before that and the time before that you rite it costs a small fortune to send stuff in my enitial reward is till 2022 but they will reassese me one year before i have done my MR cos after the last two assesements i was given enhanced rate but this time standard rate but all my health conditions have got worse 
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @dottydotty Sorry I can't answer your questions except to say wouldn't going to Tribunal be far less stressful than re applying and going through what you've been through all over again? Especially bearing in mind you'll have plenty of time to prepare yourself and you will be facing people with no agenda? Your chances of success would be much higher than another application that would be very likely to fail as it will be reviewed by people who know they've already turned you down. Just something for you to think about. I think most people on this forum would say the same..  
  • dottydotty
    dottydotty Online Community Member Posts: 321 Empowering
    Thankyou for replies  .Am trying to weigh up hte odds , Don't think I have much chance in either tribunal or to  reapply as I reach  65  in Aug , that is why I'm trying my hardest to overturn the decision . so it runs at least until June when my award should have ended . Failing this I could applyfor AA but no mobility component . Any Tips on  what more I can send to DWP .  I  got the CAB  to draft my first correspondonce outlining my disagreement and why . .  Have sent loads medical reports  and future hosp appointments , My friend has written  a statement .I have not mentioned much about  the assessor other than the fact I have lodged a full complaint with Capita and sent the letter / reply  I received from Capita  Should I go through the report with a fine tooth comb and highlight ALL the discrepancies . errors , med errors . treatment errors  etc .or will they not be interested .  thanks your  replies  are keeping me sane .