Hi, my name is Fatbloke_Dim!

Fatbloke_Dim Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
Name sez it all! On here because my wife is suffering mightily, and is beyond her wit's end with her situation. I'll try to give some idea of what's happening to the best of my ability, but as it's very complicated I'll try to be concise.


  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @Fatbloke_Dim, and welcome to the community! Sorry to hear that your wife is suffering. Do you want to tell us some more about what's happening so we can see if we can help?
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hi @Fatbloke_Dim and welcome to the community. As soon as I saw 'Fatbloke_Dim' I thought people were talking about me again  :) Joking aside, I'm sorry to hear that you and your lady are having a tough time, so tell us as much about it as you feel able. 'Concise' is good, but don't let worrying about the amount of content get in the way of your saying what you need to say.
    Warmest best wishes,
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hey @Fatbloke_Dim
    I love your username!! 

    Do you want to try and explain a bit more and we can see if we can offer any support?
  • Han_Solo
    Han_Solo Online Community Member Posts: 114 Contributor
    Welcome. You are in good company and I find the people on here very knowledgeable, incredibly honest and friendly. All the best to you and the missus.
  • Fatbloke_Dim
    Fatbloke_Dim Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    edited February 2018
    G'day all !
    Thanx for the warm welcomes. I've posted a bit further on things, but there's a darned sight more to it in reality. There always is, is'nt there? Basically, I'm fire-fighting trying to stop her "doing something silly", , and if that ain't the biggest euphenism in history, I don't know what is!
    As for "Fatbloke-Dim", any resemblance to a Fatboy Slim , dead or alive is entirely ........intentional !!!
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Fatbloke_Dim

    A very very big welcome to you today.

    Please please get things off your “chest”

    We are a good “bunch” believe me.

    Please please let me know if I can help/support you in anyway??????