Hi, my name is Weeziexx!

Weeziexx Online Community Member Posts: 5 Connected


  • Lasian_Alumni
    Lasian_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 650 Empowering
    Hi @Weeziexx, welcome to the community!

    Would you like to tell us a bit about yourself? Is there anything we can help or support you with?
  • Weeziexx
    Weeziexx Online Community Member Posts: 5 Connected
    Had enough x
  • Lasian_Alumni
    Lasian_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 650 Empowering
    Hi @weeziexx,

    Do you mean that you're having a hard time or that you have had enough help and support?

    If it is that your situation is tough, do you feel comfortable talking about it? We're here for you to talk to, and we will try to offer any help and support that we can.

    If you don't want to post here you might prefer calling our helpline on 0808 800 3333, where you can keep things private  :)

  • Weeziexx
    Weeziexx Online Community Member Posts: 5 Connected
    Ive had enough of this life we live . 
    Long term illnesses . Pain, no sleep , bloody assesments , bullies , abuse you name it I fight it & I cant keep doing this for the rest of my miserable existance !
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @Weeziexx
    I am sorry to hear you are struggling so much, long term illness can be so difficult to deal with.

    If you are having suicidal thoughts then make contact with your GP who can offer on-going support and refer you to health services.

    You can also contact The Samaritans who offer emotional support. They can listen to you and help you talk through your concerns worries and troubles. You can also call Samaritans at any time, for free on 116 123. If you don’t feel like talking you can also email them jo@samaritans.org

    If you feel you are at immediate risk of harming yourself you can call 999 or go to your local Accident and emergency department for treatment. Please take care, and I hope you get the help you need. 

  • Han_Solo
    Han_Solo Online Community Member Posts: 114 Contributor
    Hi - and welcome.

    You have made a great decision joining this amazing community. The forum users and administrators on here are good people that genuinely care.

    Please hang on, and remember that you are not truly alone. And those are not empty words.

    Continue reaching out to the others that responded above and hopefully a positive change change can come into your life in 2018. But be patient as it takes time.

    Stay strong.
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hi @Weeziexx and welcome to the Scope community.

    I've copied your words into here, because they are important:
    "Ive had enough of this life we live . 
    Long term illnesses . Pain, no sleep , bloody assesments , bullies , abuse you name it I fight it & I cant keep doing this for the rest of my miserable existance !"

    Frankly, I understand a lot of what you feel. I've been there. At different times in my life, since childhood, I've researched every method of ending it all because life doesn't seem worth the effort, and I've made a couple of attempts. The last time I actually tried - a long time ago - I combined my mother's pill drawer and my grandmother's own recipe ginger wine, and even that didn't work.
    But I'm still here. And you, I trust, are still here too. And I'm actually glad I am still here because it means I have a chance to talk to you. You matter, even to a stranger like me, and your pain and your hurt and your sadness matter.

    You see - apart from anything else - those 'bloody assessors', bullies and abusers - are worth far less than you. You matter.

    Talk to me, if you can. I would love to hear from you, would love to hear that you are safe at the moment, and would love to try to find ways of making things better for you.

  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Weeziexx

    Good Afternoon & Welcome to our community/family.

    I’m very very sorry that you are having a really bad time at present.

    Please please talk to one of us for help/support????

    You have made the first big step towards “HELP” & “SUPPORT”

    “Please Please”

    Talk To Me “ASAP” & I will do my very “Best” in both “helping/supporting” you with all of your current problems!!!!!!!!!