New PIP Court Ruling

Annabelle26 Scope Member Posts: 110 Empowering
edited February 2018 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I have checked my original PIP Application & stated I was unable to go to unfamiliar places without help.  I wonder if I should contact DWP about it even though I am waiting to go to a Tribunal because I was given no points.


  • Annabelle26
    Annabelle26 Scope Member Posts: 110 Empowering
    I used the wrong word when I said new.  I know the case has been going on for some time.  I was thinking new as a new development.  I was concerned about actually going to the Tribunal as if it was in a strange place I would have had the problems described in the Court case.  However my case is being held in a nearby City in an area I am familiar with so the journey should not be too stressful just the actual appearance.