Feeling suicidal

Sholay09 Online Community Member Posts: 94 Contributor
Hello I am starting to feel a bit suicidal because I am sick of life being the way it is and also because of some negative changes that keep happening like everything just suddenly coming to an end like a lot of services at a certain age as I just wish it would all stop as age should not matter or be all factor. Also I am that type of person that usually hates change as I feel in myself that I just wish that change would never happen at all and I really need help.


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  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @Sholay09, how are you doing? 

    I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. You are a member of our community and we appreciate you.

    If you are having thoughts of suicide, it is important that you discuss them with someone who is qualified to help. Please call the Samaritans on 116 123 (free) or email them at jo@samaritans.org. You might also benefit from reading MIND’s information on how you can help yourself.

    You've raised some really valid points about accessing care for adults. Have you tried getting in touch with the National Autistic Society to see if they can offer any guidance?

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Sholay09 Pleased to meet you.  Sorry you are going through a really bad time.

    I do feel for you.  I do understand I get these feelings of anxiety and depression and wonder how I can be positive.  

    What helps is being here.  I see you have spoken to our members of our community.  They are wonderful.  I use this every day forum to get through the day.

    You have been given some constructive advice.

    Please can I ask what do you require and how would you like to see things different.

    You say you do not like change, who does.  The change what exactly is that effecting you.  Your disability, illness.  

    I do know that some changes can benefit your well being and outlook on life.

    You would surely get bored with eating the same meal every day of your life.

    It is the same with your life.  I am not hear to change you or tell you want to do.

    That is your choice, just offering hand of friendship.

    Love to listen am here

    Take care.
  • jage
    jage Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Don' think replys are come ng.But if your failed by services.Get citizens advice to complain for you.
  • Sholay09
    Sholay09 Online Community Member Posts: 94 Contributor
    Thank you people as also I hate it when everyone is so horrible to me and not really understanding and caring about me either as sometimes I just wish I would die so I would not have to go through it all anymore or I just wish that everyone would understand me and always be there for me when I really need them and when they say that they would or are here for me for when I need to talk as unfortunately I have lost trust in people now and also I do not like people saying things to me in which are not very helpful like when they tell me to don't worry about it or when they start moaning or being moody towards me when I talk about things that upset me and I just want this to all stop.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Sholay09 Good morning How are you ?  Sorry to hear all this.

    I do understand and I mean that.  You will not find me ever hurting you.  I can feel the pain.  You can trust me.  I have the problems of not trusting people.  Used and abused by people.

    I care about you.  I do not like people in our community being treated badly.

    I get upset and do have emotions and feeling.  How we as a community are perceived and seen by others.

    I hope I will be a friend, need some times to talk, to say how you are.  Please speak to me.

    Take care

    Offering hand of friendship

    Here to listen
  • Sholay09
    Sholay09 Online Community Member Posts: 94 Contributor
    Ok thespiceman thank you as I really need a nice friend that would help me sometimes when I really need it as unfortunately my life is going downhill.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Sholay09 Thank you for reply.  I would like that very much.

    Please can I ask if you do not mind why is your life going downhill.?

    I know I have bad of depression so I can I listen, do want to talk about it?  If not here ?  On this forum.  I can speak to you on your wall bit more private.

    If you wish to I can say how to do that?

    Please let me know I am here.  To listen and I do care.

    Hope to speak to you

    Your friend
  • Sholay09
    Sholay09 Online Community Member Posts: 94 Contributor
    Well the reason why my life is going downhill because of me suffering from mental health issues, always being constantly let down when I am vulnerable and when I need someone the most and because I hate it when nobody understands me and when things keep changing constantly as well.
  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    hi I understand how your feeling, I’m there too.
    lots of people on here do understand though.
    i can’t handle change either it’s difficult to deal with or even explain.
    i do hope your a little 
  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    Little better
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Sholay09 Thank you for talking what is wrong.  I have been concerned about you.  Understand the issues and now know why.

    Thank you for saying what happening to you.

    Please can I suggest speak to some one try to talk or discuss who is with you .  Either a support worker or maybe some one like a Doctor.  Maybe you need some one to speak for you.  Advocate certain charities can help.

    The big problem issue is this system.  I am so sorry but you have to understand this.  It hurts me myself to say this.  It is happening to me as I speak.

    I am a gentleman of a certain age supported by a charity on a fixed term. Time was three years now on my own.

    This is not easy but now with the over burden of the system and the budgets tight.  A lot has changed I am afraid.  Yes I understand you are vulnerable and need support.

    Every body regardless of mental health does.  I do at this time unfortunately.  The system is there to help and assist you, also what is required right now is a change but the staff and support teams are not available to be their 24 /7 sorry that is the truth.

    I found this out myself and most mental health charities and organisations are now saying.  If you can help yourself much as you can .  We will try to move you on and try to be there much as we can.  It is painful to say but it is true.

    If you have a mental health problems that you can cope and manage and you are doing well.  They let you go.  They have to.

    In the eighties when I first had mental health issues ring up and get an appointment now thirty years plus.  Ring up make an appointment self referral through Doctors can wait 3 months or more.  Same with asking for CPN not immediate help and support.

    This charity SCOPE has excellent advice on the your welfare please contact them  They can advise.

    Please understand me I am trying to be positive and the days are differcult.

    Small steps I do this every day.

    What has helped me is having  friends on the forums .. I have several thank you all.  They know who they are love you all.

    Please come on here ask our community or me or anyone anything you wish.

    Please take care

    The one and only Spiceman
  • Colourfull
    Colourfull Online Community Member Posts: 59 Contributor
    Sholay 09,

    Please Get Help you need some support as we all do from time to time I've just found out I am in more debt than I thought I was so this is stressing me too.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Colourful Please can I say how are you getting help.

    There are good organisations out their to support those who are in debt.

    I know I have been there.  I hope you get some support.

    Please try to speak to some one.

    The first thing is to recognise you are in debt.

    All I can say I am only too aware of my own issues and have now realised how I can cope.

    I am OK now and have to budget constantly and have to make changes to the way I live and breathe.

    You must understand in my case that was a long time ago.  Running a business no one tells you the pitfalls.

    Mr Taxman around the corner breathing down your neck.

    Addiction as well cost me money.

    Please I hope you take care and if you wish to talk. I am here to listen.

    The one and only Spiceman