blue badge farce



  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    Victoriad said:
    We need tge blue badge to stay as ut is FIR THE DUSABLED PERSON TO GET HELP FROM A DRIVER. Some of us are reLly disabled and need to ask a driver to take us to hospital apps etc

    Hello @maid08
    This was the post I had in mind when I wrote my comment.
    Not much point in us within the Disabled community arguing amongst ourselves.

    Rather is should be “Together we stand, divided we fall”.

    Yes I agree with you about how those in government treat us.
    So we should be asking the political canvassers whether on a local council or national level, what their policies are regarding disability, especially when they appear with leaflets to ask for our votes.

    i have asked and this area labour run from Cardiff  the answer was we stick with policey of gov  i argue that may be true till it suits you  you are a labour run counle not conservatives and each council pays or decides blue badge rules final answer you have not enough points ?? give up they can keep the badge they stick with bent acessers on disability that are ruining lives so why worry about a parking badge

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  • Geoark
    Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
    maid08 said:

    she is listed as mp?and mep

    Hi @maid08 I love a challenge and have just checked all our female MEPs and none are currently serving MPs.

    The nearest to fit this description is Baroness Mobarik and she is currently listed as being disqualified for Parliament since 8th September 2017 when she became an MEP. Similarly Molly Scott Cato had to resign as a local councillor when she became an MEP on 1st July 2014.

    If your MEP is not Baroness Mobarik then the possible reason for the confusion is some are listed as Conservative Politician and MEP, this does not mean that they sit at both the House of Parliament and the European Parliament, rather they are a politician who represent their party at the European Parliament.

    As I mentioned this has not been possible since 2002, when the European Parliament changed their rules.
  • Geoark
    Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
    edited February 2018
    @maid08 edited as I see the conversation has moved on.
  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    Victoriad said:
    I know it costs £20 a time to apply for the blue badge scheme, only payable after badge is issued.

    If You didn’t include Pip award letter last time around with your blue badge application form then why don’t you try one more time?

    You have nothing to lose but some time and perhaps your patience!
    hi again yes i took aaward letter but they stated had to be for this year  which is impossible   they looked thru award and points but said 11not enough so ended meeting hence no badge 

  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    Geoark said:
    @maid08 edited as I see the conversation has moved on.
    Geoark said:
    @maid08 edited as I see the conversation has moved on.
    thanks as im not intrested in my mp or were she is i can only point out what it states she ois

  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    maid08 said:
    Victoriad said:
    I know it costs £20 a time to apply for the blue badge scheme, only payable after badge is issued.

    If You didn’t include Pip award letter last time around with your blue badge application form then why don’t you try one more time?

    You have nothing to lose but some time and perhaps your patience!
    hi again yes i took aaward letter but they stated had to be for this year  which is impossible   they looked thru award and points but said 11not enough so ended meeting hence no badge 

    strange you say 20 its free here in wales

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  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    yep we get it free plus meds cos we govern ourselfs or rather labour do and such a waste its wrong  get rid them all  i dread to think were sturgon taking scotland she seems just intent on making things worse for you all
  • [Deleted User]
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  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    we are on same wavelength  i told um that but was told bring in new award  paperwork  so i think **** umm  i only use badge to go to local town once a week were parking is hard but disabled bays pleanty so  never mind  will order in shopping instead

  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    from DoT web site

    Do you
    qualify for a
    1. People who automatically
    qualify for a badge:
    A person is automatically eligible for a badge if they are over
    two years old and meet at least one of the following criteria:
    receives the Higher Rate of the Mobility Component of the
    Disability Living Allowance;
    receives a Personal Independence Payment for being unable
    to walk further than 50 metres (a score of 8 points or more
    under the ‘moving around’ activity of the mobility component);
    is registered blind (severely sight impaired);
    receives a War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement; or
    has received a lump sum benefit within tariff levels 1-8 of
    the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation)
    Scheme and has been certified as having a permanent and
    substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very
    considerable difficulty in walking.
    If you are applying for a badge under any of these criteria
    you will automatically qualify, provided you have the right
    documentation to support your application and can provide
    proof of your identity and proof that you are a resident in the
    local authority in which you are applying.

    A blue badge is issued to a person, not a vehicle. A vehicle only needs to be registered in the disabled class if the owner is also eligable for discounted road funnd licence


  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    Victoriad said:
    Anyway @maid08

    Another suggestion if Pip letter too old.

    Either ask for another look at Pip award if mobility etc got worse from initial Pip award and reapply for blue badge saying your Pip is being reassessed.

    Problem here is you may lose original Pip award but if the blue badge really will make a difference to your ability to live a fuller life and if you have mobility car you need to think whether losing the Pip you have is worth the risk.

    I just got blue badge as I included old Pip award letter and told them that my Pip was being reassesssed.

    I have decided to take the risk of asking for my Pip award to be reassessed as my medical condition has changed and I have not heard back from Pip yet and so I will for the outcome.
    god you are a gluton for punishmant i wish i had put no change now  or i would not be in this farce again  but i do wish you the best result tho
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    well if you look at form i filled in this week u need 12 points for journey and 8points for mobility or moving about or you can be accessed now   unless its just this council rules these days my last one was 11 points in total and i had badge this time refused as not enough points for just journey???and i supplied doctors letter 
    To automatically qualify for a blue badge you need to have scored at least 8 points in the "moving around" part of PIP. Scoring the points in the following and planning a journey part will not automatically qualify you for the badge.

    If you have scored this then all you need is your PIP award notice to claim.

    If you didn't score the correct points in the correct part then you need to look at your local councils website for their criteria. You can still apply but will most likely have an assessment.
  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    from DoT web site

    Do you
    qualify for a
    1. People who automatically
    qualify for a badge:
    A person is automatically eligible for a badge if they are over
    two years old and meet at least one of the following criteria:
    receives the Higher Rate of the Mobility Component of the
    Disability Living Allowance;
    receives a Personal Independence Payment for being unable
    to walk further than 50 metres (a score of 8 points or more
    under the ‘moving around’ activity of the mobility component);
    is registered blind (severely sight impaired);
    receives a War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement; or
    has received a lump sum benefit within tariff levels 1-8 of
    the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation)
    Scheme and has been certified as having a permanent and
    substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very
    considerable difficulty in walking.
    If you are applying for a badge under any of these criteria
    you will automatically qualify, provided you have the right
    documentation to support your application and can provide
    proof of your identity and proof that you are a resident in the
    local authority in which you are applying.

    A blue badge is issued to a person, not a vehicle. A vehicle only needs to be registered in the disabled class if the owner is also eligable for discounted road funnd licence


    thanks just gone thru my papers my award runs out nov  or rather after this review hahaha and seems councle wrong they should have given it as i have 8for mobilitymoveing around

  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering

    well if you look at form i filled in this week u need 12 points for journey and 8points for mobility or moving about or you can be accessed now   unless its just this council rules these days my last one was 11 points in total and i had badge this time refused as not enough points for just journey???and i supplied doctors letter 
    To automatically qualify for a blue badge you need to have scored at least 8 points in the "moving around" part of PIP. Scoring the points in the following and planning a journey part will not automatically qualify you for the badge.

    If you have scored this then all you need is your PIP award notice to claim.

    If you didn't score the correct points in the correct part then you need to look at your local councils website for their criteria. You can still apply but will most likely have an assessment.
    yes checked i have corect points so mon im playing hell i was told to go to them  and wasted my day now see yes i should have gotten it drives me nuts these days  youngsters telling us old uns they know better i did argue i had badge no prob last time and paperwork okay this time
  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    and yep website says i was correct and they were wrong ??**** more struggling about for me then

  • exdvr
    exdvr Online Community Member Posts: 324 Empowering
    Victoriad said:
    Unfortunately here in Scotland we have to pay £20 for a blue badge.

    But then we do get free prescriptions for everyone and free university tuition fees for everyone in the EU except for everyone elsewhere in the U.K.

    ..........ahhh the madness of devolved parliaments!
    I believe you’ve got a devolved Parliament in Wales too.

    Thought for the day!

    If we didn’t have gazillions or useless MEPs, MPs and devolved MPs and everything in between such as all these wee councils.......think of all the money we could save, that could be used instead ,to make life for us ordinary folk so much better?

    £20 for 3 years works out at less than two pence per day which I would suggest is rather good value for money.

    There is no such thing as free prescriptions or free university education, it is simply a matter of how the devolved administrations spend their allocated funds.

    Nothing in life is all has to be paid for, normally through general taxation which also pays for nonsense items like HS1 and 2, the Channel tunnel, nuclear weapons, aircraft carriers with no planes etc etc.  Need I go on?

    And yet they keep the NHS underfunded.  What a nonsense this so-called United Kingdom has become.

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