thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
I include my recipe for a Tagine a Moroccan Stew

You can use Chicken, Fish, Lamb or Vegetables.

Roots work best here Carrots, Swede, Sweet Potato, Butternut Squash, Potatoes.

You can buy pre diced roots all supermarkets sell them as soup mix.  Some come with herbs.

With Chickpeas and Couscous

You will Need a Blender or Food Processor
2 Bowls
1 Saucepan
Boiling Kettle

I onion diced up
Garlic from a jar
Ginger from a jar
Passata carton or jar
1 Teaspoon of each
Grd Coriander
Grd Cumin
Tomato Puree/Tomato Ketchup
1 Teaspoon of each
Black pepper 1Teaspoon
Bunch Parsley.


1.  Measure out Spices, bowl hot water kettle leave stir.
2.  All ingredients to blender or food processor, onion, garlic, ginger, passata. tom puree, tom ketchup herbs, black pepper, spices in bowl plus water blitz up
3. Put sauce pan on seal meat season, add vegetables your choice, add sauce.  If too thick add water.
4. Couscous as per packet instructions cover with stockcube and boiling water cover plate leave.
5.Check Tagine add drained tin Chickpeas.
6. Bring to boil simmer.20 minutes
7.Check meat done a further 5 minutes.  As well vegetables
8. Taste seasoning
9. Couscous after 5 minutes fluff up with a fork, serve.
10 Couscous on a bowl with meat and vegetables on top.

This is not hot spicy just mellow warm feeling comfort food.  I do a vegetable version with add spinach and add in apricots dried or prunes or sultanas.

You can add lemon slices as well or honey.

I have done this in a slow cooker as well 

Hope you all enjoy.


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello every body forgot to say you can add also Tumeric.  Mix and match spices.

    I used Cinnamon, Cumin, Grd Coriander or one of those spice blends very good.

    Sorry I forgot to add 

    Take care
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  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Victoriad Lovely to speak to you hope you OK.  Many thanks for recipe another easy one, cheap and smell wonderful, I never know what to with a Aubergine.

    Got Jamie's Recipe for Ratatouille which is colourful and uses Aubergines, Peppers Red and Yellow.  Often use that with Pasta Penne or Fusilli.

    Speak to you soon my friend
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  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Victoriad Good Morning this what happens sleep patterns and routines get all upset, I do worry about you as any friend would.

    I do think I did say look at advocacy services, might be some thing to look at.

    I had a similar Doctor and may I tell you bought this woman in .  Not hard but formidable who spoke for me, the problems and as I tried to win my argument for the Doctor listening.

    It all changed in a spate of five minutes.  Got everything I need.  Knowledge and information they do not like pressure from out side.

    Doctors have control of the way they treat patients.  I was asked if I can recall last time, attitude different.

    I glad got back payment so that is excellent news.

    I am here anytime for you if you wish to chat, just got up and I know it is Sunday.  What ever you do today try and relax if you can.

    I can feel the stress, I can also understand the situation you are in.

    Please thank you for recipes always lovely to her from you.

    Do not worry being a line of reassurance if you are busy just come on when your free.  I am always around.

    Always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Take care.
  • [Deleted User]
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  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Victoriad Thank you for reply hope very much you are having a Sunday to remember.

    Thanks for telling me what else I need, that's OK.  I will tell you I buy that Ginger Puree from ASDA.  My fingers slicing just lately is it old age who knows.  Better to use.

    By way I always if you do not mind, add Ginger, plus Fennel Seeds.  You know this to aid digestion and any shall we say politely any body burps.  You know what I mean, sorry trying to be tactful.

    I love Vegetables but with my addiction history my stomach is sometimes not good, so using the digestion herbs and spices.  Use Tumeric, Cumin Fennel Seeds assists any problems helps.

    Herbs in a curry usually Coriander or Parsley.  Dice up Food Processor and use a veg oil just a little bit.

    Freeze in ice cube trays, take them out of tray into a label zipbag.  Use a cube in your sauce at the end.  Do this with all herbs, same with curry pastes, jar puree

    Enjoy your soup sounds lovely really nice.  I do Celeriac and Fennel.   Simple in a Zip bag.

    Just white Onions, Celeriac small one diced up, Fennel Bulb diced up, cover with Stock, Thyme, Bayleaf plus season.  Bring to boil simmer cool down, blitz blender.

    This great on own but fab with Chicken and Pork as  Sauce, add in to Dijon Mustard.
    Hope you take care

    Your friend