Hi, my name is dawnichu!

dawnichu Community member Posts: 1 Listener
I have fibromyalgia, arthritis, hashimotos thyroiditis, endometriosis, depression and social anxiety. I like crafts and music. My daughter is my best friend and helps me so much. 


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,604 Championing
    Hi @dawnichu
    Welcome to the community :)  How lovely that you have such a great relationship with your daugher!

    We have an invisible impairment category that you might like to look through, if you have any questions, then let us know.
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Community member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hello @dawnichu and welcome to the community.  Always glad to meet newcomers who are interested in crafts and music. What kind of crafts? And do you like listening to music, or do you play it also? I tried to teach myself to play keyboard and made some progress, but I've an awful long way to go, and my main music loves are classical and film.
    You have found a safe place here, @dawnichu, and are among friends, so please don't be shy of telling us about yourself or of asking any questions. The better we get to know each other, the easier we may find ways to be of use to you.
    Warmest best wishes to you,