Pip reconsideration

Springtime18 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
Hi everyone I was on indefinite mobility till PIP took over so my independence and my car went back. One of the comments on the report was that I can use my lower joints to drive, I tried to explain my pain is reduced when sitting etc etc but hay ho.  I did an appeal last year , I didn't do well and my pip was on living standard and mobility standard. I have severe psoriatic arthritis, Ostioartritis, anxiety and depression which has got worse because I can no longer work due to mobility, my gp advised me to report a change as my psoriatic arthritis worsens with stress which makes my mobility worse,  I produced evidence from consultant and GP also did a diary, My living was increased to enhanced but mobility still standard. I'm so depressed at this all as the ASOS assessor came to my house for the assessment and saw me walk very stiffly and in pain for 2 metres yet she said I could walk up to 50 metres, not sure how she made the assumption, the pip assessor agreed with the ASOS report clearly. I've just put in a mandatory reconsideration, what is the likely hood of it being overturned, I think i put a good case but with the past failed appeal I'm losing all hope along with my independence, also how long do they take .


  • algy194
    algy194 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Listener
    MR appeal nothing will change, Tribunal unless you go nothing will change. With all the medical evidence in the World unless you go to the Tribunal appeal the Atos report of lies will stand. That's what happened with me. My anxiety is through the roof as is my Hypertension. The Paper tribunal took less than 2 weeks to get a verdict, So looks like this as change from a long wait, If you don't go & put your case over the Atos report stands you'll be causing yourself more stress and anxiety. & when you know what the actual reality is of your Conditions and how they really effect you daily, Bitter is an understatement. Please attend the Tribunal if you can. Good luck 
  • debkenzo
    debkenzo Online Community Member Posts: 110 Empowering
    Dear Springtime18.
    I totally empathise with your situation and urge you to request a Tribunal Appeal.  Over 60%  of people win their cases!!  Fight For What is Right.
    i wish you all the best of what you rightfully deserve.  
    Debbie :)
  • duckett123
    duckett123 Online Community Member Posts: 81 Contributor
    not all MR fail most people win just go as far as you can take it you have to prove what you  say is wrong with you which you have so fight them
  • Springtime18
    Springtime18 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    I'm hoping that the people who say a MR is bound to fail are for personal reasons, come on guys a bit of positivity please, have any of you won an MR?