Where do they get these Assessors from?

Rayzeee Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
I suffer from COPD(significant),carpel tunnel syndrome in both hands (had surgery,no improvement),torn shoulder ligaments,(2 operations,first little success,still recovering from second).Osteophytes,(shattered bone fragments) removed from shoulder.I need a replacement shoulder but have been strongly advised against this due to my chest problems and a strong possibility of contacting pneumonia on recovery.Sciatica,high cholesterol and severe breathlessness. I was on PIPs but had it refused on reassessment.The assessor said I had a strong handshake,(I could only use my thumb and one finger  When I tried to explain my problems she told me "Ican't listen to you and type at the same time".The rest of the report were just outright lies. I am still waiting for a Tribunal date after over 8 months.


  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Online Community Member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    I feel for you  both my arms are in splints hence the funny letters that appear in my text.
    Some of it makes me smile 
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    Sorry for your long wait for the tribunal, these take upto and sometimes over a year to come through, 
  • duckett123
    duckett123 Online Community Member Posts: 81 Contributor
    some assessors  come from lar lar land you can tell by there pointed ears and long noses
  • Rayzeee
    Rayzeee Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thanks for your reply,my 22 year old son is my carer,he bathes,dresses and helps me with my toilet needs.I cant survive without him but when his carers allowance was stopped they told him he had to look for a job.He refused and has had all of his income stopped and the authorities now chasing him for unpaid N.I.contributions.You just cant talk to these people. Just on another note,my wife has progressive MS and is completely immobile. We get letters at least twice a month asking her to attend interviews for their back to work scheme.
  • duckett123
    duckett123 Online Community Member Posts: 81 Contributor
    go to your local council ask for a health officer to help you with your claims and worries they will help they helped me twice and dwp backed down let me know how you get on
  • Rayzeee
    Rayzeee Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you will do.