ESA and Pip Tribunial

jimmcc1967 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
I joined about a month ago to get advice on being put off ESA after an assesment , I had scored 27 points just 12 months earlier and similar the 12 months prior. At assesment the health professional seemed not bothered that I couldn’t remember my medication and took little account of my mental health and physical health issues , my decision letter seemed to be decided on the fact I heard her call my name out in waiting room could walk to her room and able to sit while she asked a number of questions ,my reconsideration was turned down and I had to appeal  this decision .For someone who has been on benifit for over 10 years with mental and physical problems I had to survive with help from my family for 5 weeks without money . My doctor gave me a medical certificate to cover period till my appeal so was able to survive and astonished with their decision .  At my appeal which was allowed the-independent Dr and Judge who presided  awarded me 33 points and although I was still in work group advised that if I was made work it would seriously affect both my physical and mental health , can I add at my Pip assesment I was given 27 points and not to be called back for 10 years , how can these decisions be accepted and something done about procedure . My sympathy with anyone having to endure this but appeal and take it the full way you will win .


  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    It just amazes me how these fools come to these decisions?

    As you would know PIP and ESA are two separate benefits only you can make a choice to send what you might think links one to the other.

    you also state a 10 year PIP award does it state 10year or On-Going.
    I'm so surprised by now the tribunals don't do something regarding this ****.

    Good luck.