what do the council consider severe disability ?

katherinegleesfon Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited March 2018 in Everyday life
If you have more than one learning disability which combined  is severe or is it a severe  learning disability and behaviour? ,it's not transparent!! The Gp,s need to do more to support those with disability and stop charging them to prove they have a disability. Councils and schools need to define rather than disprove .It just seems your constantly giving evidence for bus pass , train pass, cinema pass, coach pass not to mention tax reductions ,social security car condition ,Why can't we apply with one card without having to constantly give out costly Gp letters and photo copys:(


  • Lasian_Alumni
    Lasian_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 650 Empowering
    Hi @katherinegleesfon

    I can empathise with your frustration, it can be quite stressful trying to fill in multiple forms and figuring out what type of evidence is needed all the time!
  • Nystagmite
    Nystagmite Online Community Member Posts: 595 Empowering
    I've only been asked once for evidence for my railcard and bus pass.

    But yes, I see what you mean. I've been asked yet again for evidence for my bus pass. I was asked for evidence in 2007, 2008 and 2013! And the piece of evidence they listed as ok in 2013, they actually rejected and now, they won't accept a GPs letter, even though they'll accept a consultants letter. GP, of course, has been sent things from consultant and are medically trained enough to know.
  • deb74
    deb74 Online Community Member Posts: 816 Pioneering
    i know what you mean about expensive letters. i had to pay 30 pounds for a letter from my doctor for my pip. we shouldn't heve to pay to get medical evidence
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  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    Esa support group for prescriptions.
    Pip award mobility can be used for bus pass, blue badge and rail and coach I think.

    I have an amazing gp who doesn't charge. He must have done the pip for free. I haven't had an invoice for it. 

    There is a card but not all places accept that even.
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  • Nystagmite
    Nystagmite Online Community Member Posts: 595 Empowering
    However, in some councils, such as mine, you can only get a bus pass with PIP if you get 8 points or more in moving around or communicating verbally. Everyone else has to prove they can't drive.

    You have to be on income based ESA for prescriptions. Support group isn't enough.
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    Oh yes sorry re esa. 

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  • katherinegleeson
    katherinegleeson Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    edited March 2018

    I asked the council  to add a carer to my buss pass and I explained I had Multiple disability significantly combined. These are developmental learning disability's.  Specific Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia. a IC10 recurrent and Fibromerlger . I sent proof of my of my  *DWP disability, disability badge and rail card  I get Middle rate for care and lower rate for mobility. DWP states in the paper wotk I need for care  I need guiding and supervising throughout the day following direction to keep me from danger while outside etc.....There response to me
    Hi Katherine I have checked your attached Disability Living Allowance (DLA) letter and also your application. Companion element of the Scheme is non Statutory and has to be requested with supporting evidence. “+C” – companion element would only be granted to those with severe disability who are unable to travel without the assistance of someone at all times –  those who are severely sight impaired (blind – where they are unable to see a bus approaching and has to be guided on and off a vehicle), people who are on a wheelchair who need to be wheeled into a vehicle and unable to do so on their own and those who have severe learning disability where their cognitive and behavioural impairment is such that they have no social functioning. Being awarded care allowance is not the reason we will award a companion to the applicants. From your DLA letter attached we can see that you have been awarded “low” rate for mobility and “middle” rate for care. Based on this, applicant won’t even be entitled to a standard bus pass as the requirement under DLA is highest rate for mobility component. You have been awarded a standard bus pass as you have a valid Blue Badge. Based on this, you are not entitled to a Companion pass. If you have any further current (within the last 3 months) medical evidence to suggest you meet the criteria stated on my 2nd paragraph of this email, then please send it to us and we can reassess. Medical letters requesting companion have to state exactly what your qualifying disability is, the severity of it, and why you are unable to travel on your own on public transport at all times. If you use any mobility aids (i.e. wheelchair or walking frame) this needs to be specifically mentioned on the letter. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind regards Public Transport Officer, Transportation Planning
     Luton Council.
    My Reply
    Hi [name removed],   thank you for your email. Doctors have no interest in writing about disabilities in their patients as there not specialist.   Doctors are called Gps that means general knowledge.
    I do have a psychologist report states I have specific Multiple learning differcuites significant  to warrant severe  all  IC10 disorders characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits various specific overlap conditions (such as  specific learning disorder. Karmacharya will is the   psychologist reports enough or do you also need any hospital letter? What i don't want is to keeping sending  things to prove / define my disability ive been doing this all my life. I have
    These are cognitive impairments effecting social functioning and behaviour Dyslexia,Dyspraxia ,Dysculculer, Diagnosed , ICD-10 recurrent classification 
     DWP states about my disability   unable to travel without the assistance of someone at all times throughout the day need guiding and supervising Differcuties planning routes  understanding time tables, , finding places communication verbal and non verbal ,with thought, dates and times, load speech literacy problems navigating and getting lost, sensory,  learning new skills social situations going out on own, motor skills managing daily tasks  depression ,processing speech and information, with back ground  sound,  problems, central nervous system effecting. Cognitive effect your behaviour from day to day, guidance / supervision following direction during the day,
    I need a guide to supervise outside noted by the WDP s.

    kind regards
    Summing up I am still waiting 2 weeks on for an email however how far do you have to go to prove you have a disability and  defend it with learning disabilities!!! Something Is really wrong when they should be supporting you not fighting you.

  • katherinegleeson
    katherinegleeson Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    edited March 2018

    I asked the housing to add a carer to my buss pass and explained I had Multiple disability significantly Severe and combined. a learning disability's specific dyslexia, dyspraxia, Dyscalculia , IC10 recurrent and fibromerlger . I sent proof of my DWP, disability badge rail card to the housing.

    I get Middle rate for care and lower rate for mobility. With the care I need guiding and supervising throughout the day following for direction to keep me from danger while outside.

    i wrote to the council  because I wanted a career on my buss pass  i don't go out on my own having a carer for outside was important to me. The response and my reply, the fight goes on. 

    Housing response

    Hi Katherine

    I have checked your attached Disability Living Allowance (DLA) letter and also your application.

    Companion element of the Scheme is non Statutory and has to be requested with supporting evidence. “+C” – companion element would only be granted to those with severe disability who are unable to travel without the assistance of someone at all times –

     those who are severely sight impaired (blind – where they are unable to see a bus approaching and has to be guided on and off a vehicle), people who are on a wheelchair who need to be wheeled into a vehicle and unable to do so on their own and those who have severe learning disability where their cognitive and behavioural impairment is such that they have no social functioning. Being awarded care allowance is not the reason we will award a companion to the applicants.

    From your DLA letter attached we can see that you have been awarded “low” rate for mobility and “middle” rate for care. Based on this, applicant won’t even be entitled to a standard bus pass as the requirement under DLA is highest rate for mobility component. You have been awarded a standard bus pass as you have a valid Blue Badge.

    Based on this, you are not entitled to a Companion pass. If you have any further current (within the last 3 months) medical evidence to suggest you meet the criteria stated on my 2nd paragraph of this email, then please send it to us and we can reassess. Medical letters requesting companion have to state exactly what your qualifying disability is, the severity of it, and why you are unable to travel on your own on public transport at all times. If you use any mobility aids (i.e. wheelchair or walking frame) this needs to be specifically mentioned on the letter.

    If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Kind regards

    Public Transport Officer, Transportation Planning
     Luton Council.


     My Reply to housing

     Hi [name removed],   thank you for your email. Doctors have no interest in writing about disabilities in their patients as there not specialist.   Doctors are called Gps that means general knowledge.

    I do have a psychologist report states I have specific Multiple learning differcuites significant  to warrant severe  all  IC10 disorders characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits various specific overlap conditions (such as  specific learning disorder. Karmacharya will is the   psychologist reports enough or do you also need any hospital letter? What i don't want is to keeping sending things to prove / define my disability ive been doing this all my life. I have

    cognitive impairments effecting social functioning and behaviour Dyslexia
    Dyspraxia ,Dysculculer, Diagnosed , ICD-10 recurrent classification 

     DWP states about my disability   unable to travel without the assistance of someone at all times throughout the day need guiding and supervising

     Differcuties planning routes  understanding time tables, , finding places communication verbal and non verbal ,with thought, dates and times, load speech  literacy problems navigating and getting lost, sensory,  learning new skills social situations going out on own, motor skills managing daily tasks  depression ,processing speech and information, with back ground  sound,  problems, central nervous system effecting. Cognitive effect your behaviour from day to day, guidance / supervision following direction during the day,
     I  need a guide to supervise outside noted by the WDP s.

    kind regards


    Summing up

    I am still waiting 2 weeks on for an email how far do you have to go to prove you have a disability and then defend while having a learning disability!!!

  • Nystagmite
    Nystagmite Online Community Member Posts: 595 Empowering
    You'd have to get a letter from your GP by the looks of things.
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  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    I just looked on my local area as to what they accept. 

    • Disability Living Allowance with the higher rate mobility component together with middle or higher rate care component.
    • Personal Independence Payment scoring points in both the mobility activities and the daily living activities. A combination of two or more of the following:
    • 8 points for ‘moving around’ 
    • 12 points for ‘planning and following journeys’
    • 8 points for ‘communicating verbally’
    • 8 points for ‘reading and understanding signs, symbols and words’
    • 8 points for ‘engaging with other people face to face’ 
    • Letter on headed paper from a medical professional confirming a specified medical condition that prevents independent travel; such as uncontrolled epilepsy or severe mental disorder. 
    What does it say for your area? 
    Mine seems very specific but easy to know if you qualify or not.
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