Pip assessment and assessors report

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 23 Connected
Hi I have read instances where people have waited long for an assessment etc. My support officer sent the pip claim form on the 15th February. My face to face was on 28 February and the assessor's report went to DWP in the same week. Is that normal? My friend said she waited three weeks However, she had a home visit. In addition, he didn't take my medical evidence so I emailed my support officer and she said send it by RD to DWP. Has anyone gone through the process so quick? This could be good or bad.


  • sdoc94
    sdoc94 Community member Posts: 140 Empowering

    Good morning. My timeline is below:

    4th January - phoned to start my claim
    Jan 29th - sent PIP2 form back to DWP
    Feb 2nd - letter from Capita stating I will need an assessment
    Feb 3rd - appointment letter for home assessment 12 days later
    Feb 15th - home assessment took place
    Feb 19th - assessment sent by Capita to DWP
    Feb 21st - assessment received by DWP

    The time it takes from start to finish usually does not mean it is good or bad, it is just down the luck and how busy your area is.

    Good luck and let us know how you get on! I have now been waiting 3 weeks since assessment.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 23 Connected
    Okay thank you. I live in Milton Keynes. I will let you know of the outcome.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 23 Connected
    Hi lillybelle you will only get a copy after decision has been made by DWP. I assume you are talking about the assessors report?
  • dee4848
    dee4848 Community member Posts: 256 Empowering
    edited March 2018
    @lillybelle I got mine 2 week before decision ( north Yorkshire)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 23 Connected
    That's good I'm a newbie to this sughr I will ask for my report.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 23 Connected
    I got an email to say report has been received... but I didn't know you could ask for your assessor's report before an overall decision was made by the DWP.

  • dee4848
    dee4848 Community member Posts: 256 Empowering
    No I didn' get email I just asked and it came.@lilybelle
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 23 Connected
    This is the first time since taking early retirement I have applied for pip. Actually, I didn't personally my support officer did so I really don't know what to expect. If it doesn't work in my favour. Someone else will be dealing with it rather than me personally i think it would be too much.

  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Community member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Again what do you mean by a support worker?
    Frkm where? what do they do?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 23 Connected
    My support officer works for a charity that was set up by chartered accountants and the funds help past and present members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and because I'm a retired employee I get help and one if the ways is if necessary getting the benefits available. One of the ways I get help is they fund my counselling sessions. So I'm fortunate to have someone helping me when so many have to go through the PIP process mostly by themselves. I have read so many nightmare stories that I'm so grateful I don't have to go through this alone or with minimum help. Apologies for not explaining myself.

  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Community member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Well said and thank you 
  • whistles
    whistles Community member Posts: 1,580 Championing
    My assessment was a week to the day after I returned the forms. 

    Two weeks ago decision made, no award letter or assessment report but requested.
  • whistles
    whistles Community member Posts: 1,580 Championing
    Are you still waiting for report?
  • Waylay
    Waylay Community member, Scope Member Posts: 966 Trailblazing
    If you're in N.I., you have to wait until after the decision letter. Anywhere else, you should be able to get the assessor's report as soon as DWP has it. I'd call, ask the person you speak to for their name and ID number, and push the issue. Follow up with a letter.