


  • Waylay
    Waylay Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 965 Trailblazing
    Hi @Waylay, I can really empathise with what you have said; having to sit down and rest, do a bit more, sit down and rest - arghh - it drives me nuts. Don't get me started on the back spasms - nightmare! One of the things I was thinking though was, whether you could invite your friends over and have a 'cooking party' - you give out directions and they do the cooking :)  You could join in with the bits you could manage too. 
    That's a great idea!! Thanks!! Sorry you suffer the same problems, but at least we're not alone!
  • janejr
    janejr Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering
    The other day my washing line broke and my bedding landed in the mud. Not a drama for most but nearly gave me a break down. So much effort all gone to waste , and then I couldn't fix the stupid useless washing line.
    There are so many things that need doing around my home and I used to be able to do it all
    So very independent, never needed any help from anybody. Used to decorate the house move furniture, even really heavy stuff.
    I was very house proud maybe a little OCD with it. I always done stuff straight away. Never put nothing off until tomorrow.
    How things change. Frustrated doesn't even come close to how I feel
    I'm learning how to be patient , and that the house doesn't have to be spotless and the decorating will eventually get done. Just not by me
  • Waylay
    Waylay Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 965 Trailblazing
    @janejr I hear that. So frustrating!
  • janejr
    janejr Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering
    What the so called examiner's don't understand is my disability is with me every day and not on just on bad days. My whole life revolves around it. I have to plan everything I do around it. So many days that I've planned to do something only to have to forget it as I'm to Ill and can only hobble around in pain.

    I went out yesterday and slowly painfully hobbled around the market. Didn't go far but felt so good to be out

    I knew I'd pay forgot today. Joints all swollen , not sure where hurts most.
    So frustrated and only you all on scope can truly understand me.
  • Waylay
    Waylay Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 965 Trailblazing
    @janejr Yeah, I hear you on that. I sometimes want to yell at them, "When I say 'good' day, it's just better than my average day. A good day for me is still worse than your worst day, you judgemental, know-nothing 'Health Professional'".
  • angelica285
    angelica285 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi delicious deborah I can relate to that.  Able bodied people don't realise how lucky they are.  I have watched people walking around standing chatting going out and socialising and I miss it.  Its not the same when your in a wheelchair