disability and exercise

deb74 Online Community Member Posts: 816 Pioneering
hi all. just wondered if anyone can suggest exercises to ease my arthritic joints.


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @deb74 How are you.  I use Tai Chi it is a form of exercise practiced in Chinese culture.  It is slow movements of arms and legs.  Using motions that cause no pain.

    I do every morning a Tai Chi work out simple arm stretching and legs.  Moving waist circular movements.  I was recommended to do this because I have muscle weakness in legs and arms.  Simple to do.

    I would look at classes community centres or well being service in your area  .Online might be something that demonstrates. 

    Also consider other options maybe yoga as well.

    Please can I say before doing any exercise or physical  consult your Doctor.  Also have a look at diet as well.  I would consult a nutritionist.  I could give you advice connected to your condition but I do not know if I could be breaking any SCOPE rules.

    Regarding your diet. 

    Take care
  • deb74
    deb74 Online Community Member Posts: 816 Pioneering
    thanks. i am going to see my doctor soon about my arthritis i will talk to her and see what she thinks. not sure about classes where i live as i live in the middle of nowhere in wales but i will definatley look online and see what i can find
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    Hi deb74, having had spinal decompression surgery I was sent for back classes exercises. After 6 weeks of excersises and no improvement in my mobility I was sent for 3 MRI scans and 3 mths later was diagnosed with MS, so I still do my back excersises based on palates it helps keeping me mobile but I can't do the full workout but do my best it all helps so do your best but not if it hurts or causes pain.
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  • deb74
    deb74 Online Community Member Posts: 816 Pioneering
    thanks wilko. i had surgery on right shoulder last year so some exercises pull on my shoulder which still hasn't healed. but i will try it.
  • deb74
    deb74 Online Community Member Posts: 816 Pioneering
    hi victoriad. thanks. swimming is a good idea but due to poor co-ordination i have never been able to swim.