Hi, my name is itsafeething!.... fiona

itsafeething Community member Posts: 17 Connected
Hi all,  im fiona 
Im a mam of 5.children  2 boys 12 and nearly 14, who are adopted because of my bad passed.. ibe suffered abuse all  of my life because of mt mother . Physical emotionally  sexually ect
I have 3 girls , 5,7 and 9. I have Fibromyalgia, under active thyroid.  I broke my right leg 14 feb 2016. I went over my ankle an broke the bones. I was in hospital for six wreks ..i have borderline personality disorder and post traumatic stress disorder and manic depression.and sads.  Ive alot physically wrong with me

My mental health team have put me on Quetiatine, from a long stunt in a mental hospital. ive put on my 8 stone in 2 years my bmi is 46.2 it scares the living **** out of me as i need to be here. For my kids. 
, i wana be around for them but you have to hit rock bottom before climbing to the top. 
I went for assessments and they have now said im disabled for 3 years? Thu pip and esa . 
Many thanks


  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @itsafeething, and welcome to the community! Great to have you here.

    Thanks for sharing this with us. I'm so sorry to hear about what you've been through in the past.

    I hope we can help you: do you mind clarifying the last part of your post, about your benefits? Have you been awarded PIP and ESA? Do let us know if there's anything we can help you with, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Community member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hello Fiona, @itsafeething, and a warm welcome to the community. You have certainly been 'through the mill', haven't you? My respect to you because you have kept on going, kept on fighting. Well done, you, for all of that and for your brave post.
    I'm just the first to respond to your post today but others will be along who may be able to give you better advice. Have you any thoughts about what you would like to have help with?
    You matter here, Fiona.
    Here and listening,
    Warmest best wishes,

  • itsafeething
    itsafeething Community member Posts: 17 Connected
    @PippaScope.   Yes I receive esa disability, and pip full mobility, and full daily care . 
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    That's good to hear, @itsafeething! If there's anything we can assist you with, do let us know.
  • itsafeething
    itsafeething Community member Posts: 17 Connected
    @JennysDad , hi many thanks for your reply, well that’s not even the scratch on the surface of what I’ve been thru, I’d love to help people in my situation, 

    I’d love to get help, I seen forums for nutrition, disabilities am not sure as I joined 10 mins ago
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Community member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hello again, Fiona, @itsafeething, and it's good to hear from you again. Truthfully, I thought you had probably only scratched the surface - there's a lot of reading between the lines of your post. And I am so very, very sorry you have had such a tough time. It hardly bears thinking about.

    I'm going to 'name drop' a lady here who I am hoping is still part of the organisation, @KirstenNutritionAdvisor and hopefully she will get back to you about your nutrition issues.

    You might try the Dealing with chronic pain forum to connect with others who have fibromyalgia and thyroid problems. It's here https://community.scope.org.uk/categories/chronicpain, and you could look through the links on the coloured part lower down the page, see if there is anything there that looks promising. The categories, such as 'Dealing with chronic pain' are where discussions take place and you will find posts among them that relate to your conditions and members who will be only too glad to chat with you.

    There is a forum for Mental Health discussion and advice also, which is here https://community.scope.org.uk/categories/mental-health-issues

    I hope that's of some help. In the meanwhile I'm here, listening.
    Are there any other physical conditions that you haven't mentioned, and that you might like to find advice/support on?

    Very warmest best wishes to you, Fiona,

  • itsafeething
    itsafeething Community member Posts: 17 Connected
    Aww bless you, thank you so much