Do assessors spy on these sites?

sandyp196 Community member Posts: 142 Empowering
I need to access these sites but I'm scared as well. OK I do suffer wih paranoia as part of my illness.  I accept that and which is why i am able to ask the question.
The dwp are a source of great anxiety for me. I want to ask advice about a few things but I have also convinced myself that the dwp, atos and capita spy on these sites and perhaps even masquerade as 'genuine' community members. 
How likely do you think this is? Please don't tell me I'm being silly. I can't help it. I just need to find a safe site for myself as I have a feeling I will be facing a battle. 
I wrote about my pip assessment last week and felt I exposed myself as I gave specific details that the assessor couod identify me with. 
Iv been scared to come back here and scared that iv damaged my assessment chances by my cynicism towards the assessor and the fact my dog bit her. 
I just feel so low atm and have done ever since the assessment and about a month before it. 


  • whistles
    whistles Community member Posts: 1,580 Championing
    It wouldn't concern me if they did. What I have written here is the truth, and so is my application. 

    Nobody knows which part of the country you are from, whether you are male or female, your age etc.  I don't see this place as unsafe, but obviously you wouldn't share things that could identify you if you were concerned. 

    As an aside, I do wonder if it's a good idea for people to use their photographs as their profile which can identify them.

    To be honest although I read that thread I can't remember who it was.
    Most of us have memory problems.  :)
  • zoro
    zoro Community member Posts: 64 Contributor
    I would say yes and I'm not paranoid just realistic.
    Councils look on Facebook to get a handle on whats hat and who's who so I'm pretty sure the DWP would.
    Don't give your real name or where you live you should be fine.
  • lindadenise
    lindadenise Community member Posts: 302 Empowering
    If they do i hope they have a guilty concious its disusting the way they
    Treat us. Im sick of it 
  • dee4848
    dee4848 Community member Posts: 256 Empowering
    Well they are human just like us 
  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    londadenise is right!!! they are resposible for many people loosing benefits they are entitled to.
  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    sorry lindadenise. i spelt your name wrong
  • wilko
    wilko Community member Posts: 2,439 Championing
    Yes they do,DWP, councils, employers recruiting firms all look up some individuals to find out a bit more about them to confirm who they are friends they have type of life style they live. So don't worry about it if you are genuine, honest and nothing to hide then carry on remember all town centres shops have CTV surprising how much we are being watched.
  • whistles
    whistles Community member Posts: 1,580 Championing
    Well if any are reading this I just burnt my fingers checking if something was cooked. 
    My poor pinkies are very red pink! But, in fairness I did say and get awarded for the can't cook. I just thought I would have a go. 

    I actually did get a nice honest assessor. Probably a rarity rather than the norm. 

    If anyone knows who I am tell me, because I often forget myself!
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  • charlene
    charlene Community member Posts: 555 Empowering
    Lol Sandy, I thought that. Then I thought so what, how can they possibly know who I am. Hundred if not thousands of aessors.  Please stay I with  the group, just stay safe, no real names, where u live etc. 
  • whistles
    whistles Community member Posts: 1,580 Championing
    I'm from Mars so probably not entitled to claim being a Martian. Though it says you must be resident for xx years so I figured it was ok.
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  • whistles
    whistles Community member Posts: 1,580 Championing
    Victoriad said:
    Hey @whistles
    I see you’ve got the sunnies on........Is it summer where you are on the Red Planet?

    Yes. It's always hot here. I think, just a second where is Mars in the solar system. Can't tell porkies if I don't know. 
  • whistles
    whistles Community member Posts: 1,580 Championing
    Victoriad said:
    Hi @charlene
    Personally will keep on posting as it makes me smile reading the banter.........Geez what else do we need to worry about as I’m sure the DWP will get enough overtime checking up on on these undesirable aliens from Ruskies to Martians!

    On a serious side someone did share a link to the disability magazine. It said they were asking gyms etc to send them footage of claimants. 
    You will get some fraud I guess. 
    But soon breathing will get you 0 points. 
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  • whistles
    whistles Community member Posts: 1,580 Championing
    Milky Way , Galazy. Mars, chocolate. Nom nom.
    Googled Mars. It's next door, I haven't traveled far.