Pip paper based appeal/tribunal

Salina123 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited March 2018 in PIP, DLA, and AA
please can someone tell me if anyone has been successful on a paper based pip tribunal with u being there?


  • mosy
    mosy Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    We just had ours and lost .my husband has Alzheimer's and vascular dementia and had a stroke all they could say was we were managing the situation ..we found it very hard as they seem to not care about your situation. If you go to your appeal then I would advise you to talk to CAB first .And get as much paperwork work you can from Doctors etc good luck hope it all work out for you .ps there is 3 on the panel that ask questions .
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi Salina and welcome

    My wife won her paper based appeal but it is by far better to attend unless doing so contradicts your claim
    You should present your case with as much detail as possible but also keep it relevant and simple. This applies whether you attend or not

  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    your wife is very fortunate to have you wealth of knowledge.

    from what I read on hear attending tribunal has no success that paper based but it depends on how good you are at getting the information across in paper 

  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    Sorry, typos,

    attending has has more success 

    sorry about that