Esa query

ollieandduke Online Community Member Posts: 178 Contributor
With universal credit now being in my area does this mean my esa claim on support group will change into universal credit or does it remains  the same.


  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    Possibly they may or will try to get you to claim UC. But you may be better off claiming the new ESA, only a benefits adviser can give you the advice needed to chose as the adviser will need to know all your income savings and outgoings to make a fair accessment of your situation. lol on line for New ESA gov site.
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    edited March 2018
    Existing claimants will migrate over and be asked to apply for it- and providing you don't have any of their listed changes, will get transitional protection.
    It's paid monthly in arrears as pip is. Not looking forward to that aspect one bit!

    Are you live service or full? 

    It replaces - 
    • Income Support
    • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
    • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
    • Housing Benefit
    • Working Tax Credit
    • Child Tax Credit
    I didn't think Income Support existed anymore?
    We will need to claim from July 2019-2022!!! They will be dealing with new claims first. 

    What gets my goat here is that a change in circumstance is simply moving address. Even if you don't leave the town you are in! (this applies to my area)
    If you do you lose any premiums you get such as sdp. That court case is due about that aspect being unlawful.

    Also for goodness sake WHY. I've been moved onto ESA and now they plan yet more changes. 
    Why didn't they just (insert swear word) introduce it back along in the first place. ESA had been in the news because of the underpayment, fills me with confidence, I don't think.

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    edited March 2018
    You have to make your claim online- love that part. 
    So how do you provide the usual evidence that's required? 

    Interesting for those doing the pip,  I did get asked if I use the Internet. I think they are tailoring the questions knowing UC is an online application. And therfore this could mean you have set up a direct debit to pay your rent and so you can budget. Let's face it with all the changes to benefits and cut backs you must be budgeting, no points.
  • ollieandduke
    ollieandduke Online Community Member Posts: 178 Contributor
    But ive been put in the support group cus i cant work doesnt being put into UC mean you can work
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    It has a limited capacity for work element the same as ESA does.

    Personally I think UC should pause. The dwp has made mistakes about pip and esa. They are now about to do even more mistakes by including a housing element that may or may not cover your rent. 

  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi all, 

    UC are only concerned with new claims or those who have a change in circumstances at the moment. Those currently on ESA with no changes won't be affected for a while yet. UC does include the elements of ESA so you could put in the support group and receive UC without having to do anything or you could be put in the work preparation group which is the current WRAG.

    whistles - Income Support does exist still, but only in limited circumstances, for people who claim Carer's Allowance or single parents with a child under 5. There are a few other qualifying conditions as well but those are the main ones.

  • ollieandduke
    ollieandduke Online Community Member Posts: 178 Contributor
    Hi lee you have hit on my point exactly my hubby has work maybe 3 days every month he always works 6 hours a day and earns £45 as this is the minimum wage for him.
    My point is if work did dry up for him and i had to report a change of circumstance to have him put on my claim again.
    1.. would i have to go on UC even though im currently in support group till 2019.
    2... would i have to restart my claim all over again and go for another assesment even though my reassesment isnt due till next year..

    Its very confusing i just dont understand. People say esa support group is an ongoing claim yet we are still asked ti go for another assesment so how is it ongoing.
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    edited March 2018
    Hi ollieandduke, 

    UC is only replacing the means-tested benefits so contribution based ESA is still available. If you are receiving contribution based ESA that will continue but it is the income-related element that you would have to claim Universal Credit for, if you need an income-related element to replace your husband's work drying up. Claiming UC would also mean your Housing Benefit would stop (if you get any) as UC includes housing elements. Regardless of any UC claim, your contribution based ESA would continue and nothing would change - your reassessment date shouldn't be affected.
    ESA is only an ongoing claim if you continue to satisfy the criteria for that benefit, as is the case with all the rest.
    Finally, I assume you know you are in a full service Universal Credit area, as not all areas are full service yet and in those areas all the old benefits can be still be claimed for now.
    It is very confusing but we are here to try to help people to understand the system so please post again if you have any more questions.

  • ollieandduke
    ollieandduke Online Community Member Posts: 178 Contributor
    Yes i know we are in a uc area i did tell dwp 2 weeks ago i needed my hubby back on my claim but they sent me a form to be filled in if i was on ir esa and wanted to go onto cb esa but i havent filled it in as im aleady on cb esa
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing

    • ollieanddukeollieandduke,

      I think it's worth contacting the DWP again. A claim for ESA is a claim for both types, income-related and contributory. If you're already on contributory, and you need income-related, then the form you fill out is usually called an ESA3. 

      You're not making a new claim for benefit, so you shouldn't have to claim UC at the moment.
