PIP Payment

louise91 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected
edited March 2018 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi, my mums recently changed from DLA to PIP. She received her last DLA payment on 19th March and was due her first PIP payment at the end of April.  There has been £55.65 put into her account today from DLA, we have requested a mandatory reconsideration but haven't had any word back.  No idea what the money today is for, has anyone else ever had this?


  • debsidoo
    debsidoo Online Community Member Posts: 325 Empowering
    Hi Louise
    Could this be a part payment of DLA to finish off so that when Pip starts it is exactly four weeks to the day?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 273 Empowering
    Hi Louise

    Good to hear from you.

    Perhaps you could phone the DLA department  (0345 7123456) and ask how their payment was worked out - was it paid partly in arrears and partly in advance, and which days was the week's payment for?  They are usually good at explaining this, I have found.

    If necessary, you could then also phone the PIP department and see if they can answer the same question - when will PIP be paid and for what dates?

    The DWP usually get this stuff technically right, but it isn't straightforward, as DLA was paid either wholly in arrears, four weekly or sometimes more often, and sometimes three weeks in arrears, one in advance,  and PIP is also normally (but not always) paid in arrears. 

    Kind regards

    Scope Helpline

  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    When I changed from DLA to PIP my new payments were made in dribs and drabs for a couple of months until DWP got it right.  I think the series of payments added up to the correct amount due!  Possibly the same is happening with your mum's money.  But in time the DWP should start to pay the right amount on the right day of the week every four weeks.
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi louise

    Do you have the PIP decison letter ?

    PIP comences the day after DLA finishes. PIP is paid four weeks in arrears but usually there is a part payment to put you on a four week payment cycle as payment days are spread throuhout the four week cycle
