PIP reconsideration

Springtime18 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
edited April 2018 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I'm so upset, waiting 6 weeks for my reconsideration to come back, the dreaded brown envelope arrived 5 minutes ago, it stays the same enhanced for living and standard for mobility. 

It did not help that my doctor had failed to give me additional information till today, as to how my anxiety affects me.  My assessment was done at home and my son was present therefore although I was very anxious and quite tearful, I did feel more comfortable as I was at home; than I would have at an assessment centre. I feel that because I was able to communicate effectively I have been penalised. The ASOS report stated that I did not indicate a cognitive condition, and it is unlikely I have a mental health restriction which prevents me from making and planning a journey. I thought maybe that I did not explain myself adequately as I do not go out unless my son or daughter persuade me to go out with them as they can see that I have completely isolated myself from the world. I have not got a learning difficulty, I have severe anxiety and depression, I have a psychological factor, which prevents me from making a journey and especially using public transport without someone with me.  I have had many falls due to my mobility problems and I cannot make a journey safely, the anxiety I get through worrying about falling over is uncontrollable, which causes me a great deal of psychological distress.

I do have the intellectual capacity to follow the route in theory, and I could in theory navigate a route, but because of the psychological distress.  I cannot in fact go out and follow the route without the assistance of my daughter or son, to hold onto and support me emotionally. The ASOS report stated that I did not have any underline reasons that I could not make a journey and plan a journey myself, she is assuming that because I am intellectually able she assumed I would be able to, even though I thought I had explained that my depression and anxiety make me feel withdrawn and have isolated myself.

Do I really have to go through the appeal process or will they reconsider again once they get the late GP letter.

Please don't say I should be grateful, I'm not in a good mood so be warned, but I would be grateful for any advice



  • cobra
    cobra Online Community Member Posts: 36 Empowering


    Those of you who’ve starting a new claim, have had a f2f, have had a problem with your assessment, are thinking of or have had Mandatory Reconsideration rejected, are now going to a tribunal, please do NOT give up as I’ve been through and HAVE won my PIP appeal (albeit partly) before the actual hearing. There are some wonderful people here on this site who’d helped me with their kind help which gave me the inspiration to carry on.

    Please read all my messages by searching for my name @COBRA.

    You can find my last post here:


  • charlene
    charlene Online Community Member Posts: 555 Empowering
    Springtime, so sorry about you MR rejection.  Did you send any letters supporting your level of Depression and Anxiety.  Just sent mine of today.
  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    i had the same as you in the f2f and MR, 
    no cognative illness blah blah, rubbish!!
    long  story short, I went to tribunal and won, went from standard daily and no mobility to enhanced daily to standard mobility.

    looking back though i had the standard daily until 2023, now I have both til 2019! 

    Knowing what I do now, hindsight is wonderful, I should have accepted the original decision.
    was encouraged by family, friends and g.p to appeal.

    yes I got the extra payments but was it worth the trauma it cost me, sadly no it wasn’t.
    my mental health has worsened as a result.
    thats me though.

    good luck in whichever route you decide to chose x
  • Springtime18
    Springtime18 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Hi thanks to reply they had letter from my Gp consultant and specialist nurse. For the application. Also a diary letter from my daughter who helps me. This was a change as I've got worse, I asked for a more in depth letter from my Gp he's given it to me today, so they did not have this.  I'm one of the lucky ones who went from indefinite DLA to pip and lost my mobility car, I only need 2 points I assumed they would look at the other info, even if they hadn't got the new letter from Gp, shall I send this in and ask them to reconsider again or go to appeal, I went to appeal when I first got pip but just had standard for both, I'm very wary of going to appeal and couldn't face them again so won't be attending I'm in a bit of a state 
  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    personally I would either call CAB or even call scopes helpline for advise, or maybe @CockneyRebel can help on this. 
    Its a very distressing time for you, I understand that.

    i would get professional advice, I will be next time if necessary. 

    Im sorry your going through all this again 

  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi Springtime and welcome

    It is possible for you to send in the new evidence and ask for it to be looked at again although they are under no obligation to do so. They may look at your total award and like any MR can reduce points as well as inceasing them.

    If you do decide to go down the tribunal rout then they will review your case before the hearing and if strong enough may make you a better offer

  • Springtime18
    Springtime18 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Hi I called pip they said it was down for an appeal as this overrides my request to just look at new evidence. The tribunal people said it is down but pip have not sent the bundle of paperwork. I called pip the woman could only say that she could see that I'd called last week, it was lapsed and they would sending paperwork out to me and tribunal, she could not tell me what's lapsed. My ideas ?