Complex physical and mental challenges

Marioneth Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
My difficulties are M.E., ADHD, Arthritis, Anxiety and depression.   Its an everyday uphill struggle being on my own.  Just working myself into a never ending spiral of cancelled commitments, untackled paperwork and keeping my head above water.  Can't keep all the plates spinning at once.  Not enough money to get the help I need.  HELP


  • gnmeads
    gnmeads Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 187 Empowering
    Hi Marioneth Welcome to the Scope community and sorry to hear of your conditions. 
    Can I ask what benefits do you receive, so we can work out if your receiving all that you can?
  • Markinsutton
    Markinsutton Online Community Member Posts: 83 Empowering
    Hi @Marioneth Welcome to the community I have found just being here helps me get things out on the open and writing them down. I have a list at home and set dates of what I want to do and set targets that I feel I can achieve. I do the same with money. I suffer from Dyspraxia quite badly, I say suffer I found ways it helps me because I like everyone organised this helps to reduce my anxiety and depression. 
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    @Marioneth you are not alone.
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    Welcome and you are not alone . I do empathise. Lists and realistic targets are helpful. I find breaking things down into small manageable steps really helps me to overcome anxiety. Like going to appointments. I get everything ready the night before so I am not rushing about or overwhelmed as much prior to the appointment. I set 3 alarms on my phone at half hour intervals to remind me to go through the steps of getting ready as I take ages to wake up. I always give myself extra time to get there as I cannot rush and I hate being late. I tend to use these things, depending on my mood and pain, as reasons to avoid or reschedule appointments. Being aware of this and putting steps into place really helps me feel more able to cope. It depends what your triggers are and what works for you. I hope this helps you. Talk more if you want.
  • Marioneth
    Marioneth Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Am snowed under paperwork but try t get t CAB WED.