Suitable Accommodation

Cat2018 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
edited April 2018 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

This is my first post so I will give say a little bit about myself.
i have Adhesive Arachnoiditis which means my nerves at the base of my spine are fused together.
Basically, I can't sit down, I can't stand up or walk without severe pain.
i don't mind admitting to this but it also applies to Bowel and Bladder function as I have no working muscles and that area is now numb meaning obviously I have no feeling there.
i also suffer from Bipolar Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia. I am severe anaemia and Borderline Diabetic.

I had a Tribunal Hearing via Phone Conference this morning and won giving me Enhanced for both.

I live in a house with several steep steps. I can't use a wheelchair but I can sit on one side on my Mobilty Scooter for a short while.
The problem we face is the fact that my children can't lift the Scooter out of the house so basically I've been Housebound since 3 June 2017.
Although I am on the Adapted Housing Register I am in the same banding system (c) that everybody else is in.
i have written to the Council to ask them to place me in Band A or B so that I have more of a chance of getting a house sooner and asking them to consider the fact that I need to be with my Eldest Daughters for Support.
Any advice on this would be most appreciated and thank you for taking the time to read this


  • GizmoTiddles
    GizmoTiddles Online Community Member Posts: 156 Empowering
    Nice one @Cat2018 in winning your appeal the second one I've read if today :) 
    Good luck in your endeavour to getting a better banding ,im I sure someone will be along soon who can give good advice on this.
    Our council have the same mindset as the DWP .
  • Cat2018
    Cat2018 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    I was lucky yesterday. The Appeal panel had already awarded the points but asked me 2 questions to make sure and they were very friendly which was something I didn't expect.
    My original GP had said my MRI scan was ok when I went for my Assessment in November 2016 and the Assessor told lies because the Scan proved it was impossible for me to do the things she said she had witnessed me doing.
    When the first report came and said I wouldn't be awarded anything I was in tears.
    I asked for a copy of the MRI scan that showed curvature of the Spine, herniated discs, Clauda Equina Syndrome and Arachnoiditis which is incurable.

  • butterflies
    butterflies Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor
    Hi Cat 
    So glad you got your enhanced PIP award.
    Have you thought of applying direct to various Housing Associations in your area
    instead of relying on the Council.
    I applied direct to a Housing Association as well as registering online to bid and got this adapted place in the scheme I wanted within less than 12months.
  • Cat2018
    Cat2018 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi Butterflies

    Thank you
    Our Council doesn't have housing stock.
    The way it works here is you have to register with as in our case ' Homes for Bolton '
    All the Housing Associations put their available houses to Homes for Bolton and when they come up on a Tuesday the houses are all from different Associations and you have two bids.
    i am on the Adapted a Register but I can still bid for any house I like.

  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    @Jean_Scope can you help?
  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering

    Hi @Cat2018

    So it sounds from what you have written that the Housing Officer doesn't currently feel that you meet their threshold to be awarded medical priority. Is there any further evidence that you can assemble and submit (OT report, GP report etc)? Do ensure that the Housing Officer is aware that you now have an enhanced PIP award as in some areas this change would get them to look again at your priority.

    Best Wishes


  • Cat2018
    Cat2018 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thanks Jean

    will phone them