
  • Tigermoth42
    Tigermoth42 Online Community Member Posts: 242 Empowering
    Hi @Jaytbm1, good to hear from you my lovely and thank goodness for your specialist. My gp wouldn’t write a letter but I did get reports from the pain management specialist and my mental health team - not that they took much notice of the latter! Lovely that you’ve been able to get out and about recently, I’m not too bad thanks hun, it’s been a tad too hot for me but should be cooler later this week so a bit of respite. Hope you have as good a week as you can and I’ve got things crossed that you hear soon, love and hugs xxxx
  • Jaytbm1
    Jaytbm1 Online Community Member Posts: 72 Empowering
    Thanks @Tigermoth42 have a lovely week, yes it should be cooler this week, hopefully soon rain for the poor gardens . Take care xxx
  • bizzielizzie
    bizzielizzie Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected
    Hi tigermoth42 you hit the nail on the head , it's an absolute nightmare,  and all this because I let them know he was having brain surgery , they found an anurisam and had to operate to get it out xxxxx
  • Jaytbm1
    Jaytbm1 Online Community Member Posts: 72 Empowering
    Hi @bizzielizzie, I agree it’s disgraceful that you are being treated this way. It seems to be standard procedure with the DWP and their partners in crime Atos and Capita . I do hope that you can get some help soon . Xxx
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    edited August 2018
     no one seems to care at all , mental health is a very hard one to determine,  that women took 45 minutes to decide that my husband's problems don't exist , in other words we been lying for the last 8 years xxxx
    Trying to have mental health and it's difficulties taken seriously by the DWP is extremely hard. For a start depression is a self assessed condition - so why would you expect the DWP to just accept your word.
    The only time that I have had any success with mental health and the DWP was when I had just been released from under section. 
    As for PIP I have had 14 reasons put to me why it is suggested that I don't have and have never had any such issues. These were that I sat on a chair without rocking, had good eye contact with the assessor, was able to interact with the assessor + another 11 besides.
    To say the least I never even mentioned anything regarding mental health for my second and third PIP re-assessments. What ever I was to say would never be believed so why waste my time trying 
  • Jaytbm1
    Jaytbm1 Online Community Member Posts: 72 Empowering
    @Yadnad.  I know exactly what you mean , the assessor said , I could answer questions and looked well nourished !!!! I don’t even know what that is supposed to mean . They really do say some ridiculous things. They see you for 45 minutes at the most , are not Doctors, yet they make serious decisions that will affect us . Totally wrong
  • Waylay
    Waylay Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 966 Trailblazing
    My last one was 1.5 hours
  • Shlbly
    Shlbly Online Community Member Posts: 135 Empowering
    I’ve just had my third one 88 minutes.
  • Jaytbm1
    Jaytbm1 Online Community Member Posts: 72 Empowering
    @Username_removed , I must not have had enough information plus she was in a rush to pick up her children from school. I was awarded higher rate day care , so I can’t complain, it was just the questions were not relevant to me I felt . I have never said I couldn’t respond to questions and my cognitive ability isn’t relevant to my physical disability. I suppose they have to assess you on everything 
  • sammyjoe
    sammyjoe Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    It has helped reading some of your posts about PIP, my son has Autism and has never been anywhere on his own so was so annoyed when I got the letter from DWP not awarding him and only getting 2 Points!  They said he could plan a journey and travel unaided! Don't think they even read my PIP application, I have now appealed and hope it gets looked at thoroughly this time.  
  • bizzielizzie
    bizzielizzie Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected
    Sammyjoe that is the problem we found don't think they even reading anything properly , it's a farce 
  • Tigermoth42
    Tigermoth42 Online Community Member Posts: 242 Empowering
    Hi all, just wondering where everyone is with their claims/appeals. Sending you all much love and strength x
  • Shlbly
    Shlbly Online Community Member Posts: 135 Empowering
    Hi all, just wondering where everyone is with their claims/appeals. Sending you all much love and strength x
    Hi have just had my second home assessment for PIP I 18 months, not holding out any hope after last one in February 2017 and all the lies and omissions, lost at appeal March 2018 as couldn’t/didn’t attend as was paper based. They believed everything the assessor had said, plus information from 2012 when the same happened from IB to ESA. This assessment on 8th August lasted 88 minutes and was much more thorough as have 14+ things wrong with me I found out, 5 of them mental health, the appeal papers said ‘I have some mental health’.  My local Councillor attended this, as lost Advocate due to her not covering my area anymore. It’s all a complete mess and I am totally fed up with continuously having to go over what is wrong with me!
    was involved with Operation Yewtree back in 2013 where a lifetime of physical, sexual and mental abuse was out there for all to see. It has been a hard struggle and have wanted to end it all many a times, as so very painful. I hope it will ease of a bit, as ESA due to be renewed in September arrrrrr.

  • Jaytbm1
    Jaytbm1 Online Community Member Posts: 72 Empowering
    Hi @Tigermoth42. I am still waiting to hear about appeal date . In the process of getting another letter from the hospital . Hope you are alright xxx
  • Colz73
    Colz73 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Had my dreaded assessment today, I have been on high rate mobility dla and low rate care since around 2003. I didn't find the assessor very nice he didn't seem interested in what i had to say!  Just got everything crossed and praying i don't lose my car, i am in too much pain and not mentally well enough to use public transport! Although i must say it has helped reading some of your successes.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Colz73 Thank you for sharing.  Sorry what has happened. Wishing the best for a successful outcome.

    Please can I say we as a community are here to support and advise. When the time comes for anything you need to know.

    Understand the situations and problems of public transport. I know can not use it.  Have mental health and disability.

    Give you some reassurance there are other options if it came to you losing your car.  Like taxis.

    Look on line but I know want to add you are not alone.

    Have to be positive for you and may I add we are always happy to help.  To listen anytime.

    Take care

  • jae377
    jae377 Online Community Member Posts: 39 Contributor
    Just rcvd assessment result. Highest rate care std mobility. I was awarded dla highest rate for life in 1995. I have high level spinal cord damage C4 / C5. This means amongst other things that left arm and leg do not work properly, I have been stable since 1995. Decision says review in 3 years because I may change. Without my adapted vehicle I will be bungalow bound as unable to travel in virtually anything else. I believe the statements 're targets.
    This was an Atos assessor. The same company that told my old employers that they should be paid £350 every year to review me , because "my spinal cord might fix itself"  Written request by company doctor for any instance of this ever occurring totally ignored. End of company medicals
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,174 Championing
    Unfortunately your DLA award would have made no difference to PIP as the criteria for mobility is different.

    I would advise you to get further advice and help if you don't agree with the decision. Asking for the MR they will look at the whole award again and not just part of it. You have 28 days from the date of the decision to request the MR. You should put it in writing stating what you disagree with and where you think you should have scored those points and why. Your arm won't make any difference to the mobility part of PIP. Only 17% of MR decisions change, so going to Tribunal is most likely. Your local welfare rights, or other disability advice centre will be able to advise you further. Good luck.
  • Jaytbm1
    Jaytbm1 Online Community Member Posts: 72 Empowering
    Hi everyone. , hope you are all as well as you can be . I am still waiting for my appeal regarding the mobility component. Had my assessment around March . I would advice anyone who has to return their car to do so as soon as you can . You might as well have the 2,000 they are offering. I also got £68 back from my car . I would have returned it sooner if I had known that they gave you money back as well. My car would have been returned the beginning of October and I would only have received the £500. I was lucky that I was able to get a car on monthly payments with the £2.000 . Obviously had to pay insurance, do worry about the mantienance . I was fortunate in that I was awarded the higher rate of the daily pip otherwise I couldn’t have afforded it.. I am out of pocket because I pay for the car with it but without transport my life would be horrendous I would never be able to go out when I am well enough. Very nervous about the appeal and feel bad because I know some people didn’t get awarded anything. The whole system is designed to make disabled people’s lives miserable ( In my opinion) . Got to go through the whole thing again in 2 years ( that’s how long i was awarded it for) . It’s ridiculous I am never going to get better, this stress just makes things worse . I feel as if I am” Lucky “ to have been awarded anything. We all say good luck when luck should not come into the decision. The Tory Government just lie saying more people are getting help when it’s  obvious to any disabled person that it is not true . I can’t believe that the media are not writing about some of the horrendous decisions that are made by theses private ( profit making) companies. I will say good luck to everyone ( though obviously it shouldn’t be a factor) . Rant over . 
  • Colz73
    Colz73 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi, I have been awarded standard daily living on both which I am not happy with as the assessor lied about almost everything?I have asked for a mandatory reconsideration and will take it to appeal if I have to, I’d asked for my report which was just all lies I was so upset it’s so cruel this and the award is for 2 years when my conditions are life long and just getting worse, as it stands that means I have to go through all this again next September, just awaiting more info then going to send it off! Has anyone had a good result on a mandatory reconsideration? Xx