Brain injury survivor

braininjuryfirst Community member Posts: 2 Listener
i am a 1965 RTA brain injury survivor at the age of 5 years old i was hit by a edinburgh vip police car i was left with behaviour personality disorders with memmory loss with in months am classed as out of control am sent to a childrens hospital unit down in dumfries druged up from that year on it childrens homes list d schools borstal young offenders then years in and out of prisons from the age of 13 my crimes were petty ones up to 1994 when my wife at the time and friend of childhood both had road accidents in turn brought my 1965 back to me in turn changed the the workings of my brain in turn changed my behaviour and personality my mum says she got her wee boy back in 1994 and i can say shes right as i am like that 2018


  • steve51
    steve51 Community member Posts: 7,122 Championing
    Hi @braininjuryfirst

    Welcome to our online community/family.

    It’s great to meet you this morning.

    Yes I suffered my Stroke/B/I in 1998 at the age off 32

    I can fully understand everything that you have mentioned in your post.

    Please please let me know if I can help/support you in anyway ????
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,765 Championing
    Hi @braininjuryfirst, welcome to the community! 

    What an interesting story you have, I'm glad to hear things are good at the moment. If we can be of any assistance, just let us know!
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Community member Posts: 2,293 Championing
    Hello @braininjuryfirst and a very warm welcome to the community. I am so very, very glad you've found us.

    Decades ago, now, I spent almost ten years working as a volunteer 'befriender' with the West Yorkshire Probation Service, then was deputy 'warden' (hated the word from the start) of a half-way house for a short while. I met so many men, from 16 to 60 years old, whose careers were defined by that 'children's homes, approved schools, borstals, prison' pathway, and I am so glad you seem to have escaped it. It always has been a travesty of a system. I cannot tell you how glad I am that your mum 'got her wee boy back'.

    The phrase 'wee boy' and the Dumfries reference give me a very tiny little clue as to whereabouts you hale from, and that has meaning to me too. 40 years ago, as a mature art student, I fell in love with Culzean Castle and all things Scots, despite the hairiest drive I've ever had, which was through the Forest of Galloway, in pitch black night and with a storm heading towards us over the mountain tops.

    Even as an Englishman it is God's Own Country to me :smile:

    Do please tell us if there is anything we can do to offer you help and support.
    Warmest best wishes to you, and to your mum,
  • braininjuryfirst
    braininjuryfirst Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    edited April 2018
    thank you for all your good words and to help me up here in edinburgh its hared to ask for help becouse i dont no who to ask or what for as my past was covered up and it was me who found it in 1994 on but our system as it it can stop you any time and do any thing to you if you say or do the wrong things ive got a civil case in edinburgh high court and thats just a pure cover up it in front of [name removed by moderator] hes just gave me a report and what a load of bull i started or should say my criminal lawyer started my civil case in 1996 sueing edinburgh city councial for my road accident its been a fight but i never gave up and i wont becouse my time came in 1994 when i new and could do some thing about my road accident and brain injury that came from it and as to why i was committing crimes which has all stopped in 1994 every time i got involved in any crime i got legal aid but with this civil legal aid is a farce i was put onto by [name removed by moderator] and [name removed by moderator] ment to be the best brain injury lawyers well they were my criminal lawyers in the 1970s to 1984/5 so i thought good ive had them before they would no me becouse [name removed by moderator] was my criminal lawyer my hole time there and he was friends with my lawyer i was coming away from [name removed by moderator] who use his own money to start my civil case of in edinburgh sheriff court but [name removed by moderator] got it put over to edinburgh high court and spend 9000 pound of legal aid money on what i dont no becouse it was me who went out to find all i could about my self and family i found a big folder of medical notes from the royal edinburgh hospital all about me and my so called drinking but when i got a copy of these notes i noticed to hospital numbers on the top hand right side of the folder i asked about that and was told to write in about getting accsuss to them i got them it was all about my road accident it wasent me who was talking about this it was my dad telling them it was drink that was my trobles in life it was a brain injury with behaviour personality disorders what i was left with from the age of 5 from a road accident and who who was my lawyers then [name removed by moderator] do you no when i gave them a copy of this report within days they droped acting for me with my civil case by phone in the middle of a scrap yard then afew days later i got the letter all becouse they covered this up in 1984/5 what help did i get prison time i write this but this is what ive been going through for over 22 years our scottish justice system when i tryed to get lawyers after this it was the minitte i said i was with [name removed by moderator] or had no legal aid they didnt wont to no or when i said i had no legal aid no one wonted to no or try to go to to the legal aid and they say you have to get a lawyer first or try to take my case myself but the high court says i need a lawyer becouse of the case i even went to the councial myself they even told me i had to get a lawyer i had to myself when [name removed by moderator] stuck it up me put my civil case to sleep and am told it made legal history the longest civil case to be sleeping in the edinburgh high court not becouse of me to blame for it this is down to our law system how they can tie you up for years to come and tie you into notes to stop you getting your justice in our courts of law is there any one out there who can please help me to put right what our criminal law systems done to me and my family from a childhood brian injury survivior brian gracie 14/04/2018
  • steve51
    steve51 Community member Posts: 7,122 Championing
    Hi @braininjuryfirst

    I’m very very sorry to hear about your situation to date!!!

    As a fellow “Brain Injury Survivor” I would be more than happy in helping you???

    Since 1998 I have come across many many organisations & people who are involved in “Brain Injury Service’s”

    Here’s some more info for you below:
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,765 Championing
    Hi @braininjuryfirst, thank you for sharing this with us. It certainly sounds as though it's a complicated case, and I'm sorry that you're facing all this. 

    As it sounds like it's legal aid that will be the most beneficial for you at the moment, I think we're limited in the support we can offer you here on the community. However, Citizens Advice, who have advisors more knowledgeable in this area, have some great online information on finding the right legal aid, and it may be worth making an appointment at your local CAB to discuss this further. What do you think? Please do keep us updated and we'll do our best to offer guidance.