should i ask for a pip review

deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
i was awarded 18 points for daily living and given standard pip. i have since found out that that was enough points to get the enhanced rate. i have arthritis which is slowly wrecking my life. i have got from the lower spine downwards and has not gone into my wrists and hands. today i can't even straighten my fingers and walking is a struggle. i have read that if you ask for a review the amout you get could get reduced. is it worth it?


  • susan48
    susan48 Community member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    Hi I’d have thought it would be enhanced with 18 points!

    id call PIP and ask the question but if your unable to then call CAB or another professional body.

    good luck
  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    thanks. i will talk to the CAB and see what they say.
  • sandyp196
    sandyp196 Community member Posts: 142 Empowering
    I recieved 17 points for daily living and I have been awarded enhanced rate of payment £83.10 per week. With 18 points I don't understand why you are only getting the lower rate. I would definitely query that because the enhanced rate has other benefits too if your on esa as well. 
  • shazier
    shazier Community member Posts: 82 Empowering
    12 points or more entitles you to the enhanced rate a far as i am aware.
    Iv not heard of anyone getting the standard rate of daily living when 12 or more points are scored, an error at the DWP maybe? are you also in the support group of ESA?
    when is your next review? 
    Its confused me. 
    I would of phoned the DWP and queried this.
    You are never guaranteed the same outcome when being reassessed or filling a change in circumstance, cab will advise on this and others here with more knowledge than me will be able to advise you. Please correct me, anyone, if anything i have written here isn't right, please.

  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi deb

    When did you receive your decision letter  ?
    Was the 18 points the HCP's recommendation ?
    Did the DM change the points recommended if so why ?

  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    thank for the comments. i have only just found out that i should of got enhanced pip. my esa was stopped in december and i was told i had to go on job seekers. i asked benefits people if i was still getting pip when my esa was stopped as i got confused by it all. i then got a letter from them saying that my pip was safe and that i had been awarded standard rate. my next review isn't until august 2021. i have got a case worker from the cab trying to get my esa back for me. i have been getting pip since august 2016 so if i question it now they may ask me why i didn't look into it sooner and see that i have been managing on the standard rate and not change it. i had an xray on my hands on friday and i have got a blood test tomorrow. life is getting more challenging as my athritis is getting worse. i am struggling with my hands and wrists now. sometimes i can't even straighten my fingers.
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi deb

    Can you clarify where the 18 points were awarded ?
    Was it by the DM in your decision letter  ?
    Or was it from the assessment report ?

    If you have been wrongly awarded then the CAB can sort this out for you as well,
    If it is an error by the DWP then you should be entitled

    Otherwise you have two choices
    1) wait for your review in 2021
    2) put in a change of circumstance. This is sometimes a risk as your whole award will be looked at and you will have a new assessment

    As the CAB are working with you on ESA, they are the best to advise you

  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    i had an assessment by capta in 2016. call me stupid but what does dm mean. i thought all awards were decided on the assesors report. if i get my esa back i will leave things as they are but if they refuse it i will have to take the risk and ask for a review.
  • Tigermoth42
    Tigermoth42 Community member Posts: 242 Empowering
    Hi @deb74, DM means decision maker. The person at the DWP who has the job of working out your entitlement based on the Health Care Professional (HCP) assessment. Hope this helps 
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    ESA and PIP are separate benefits

    If you scored 18 points for daily living then this entitles you to the enhanced rate.

    Did you score any for mobility ?

    Have you got your decision letter for your PIP award ?
    If not you need to ask for a copy, without this it is difficult to challenge the decision if it is wrong

    We are here to help and support you in any way we can

  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    i know pip and esa are different. i got esa when i had an operation on my shoulder. i had a review in november for my esa and was told i was no longer entiltled to esa. the man asked me questions about my pip at the same time and gave me 0 points. the letter i was sent about the decision was confusing that was why i checked i was still getting pip. i have kept all of my letters from pip.
  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    forgot to say i scored 0 points for mobility.
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Sometimes I think letters from DWP are deliberately confusing.
    But if your award letter says 18 points then you should be getting the enhanced rate for daily living. That is a lot of money that you have not received.
    Please take your PIP decision letter to CAB, they should be able to explain it to you and help you get what you are entitled to

  • Tigermoth42
    Tigermoth42 Community member Posts: 242 Empowering
    I had 16 points for mobility for two years (higher rate mobility on DLA for three) and they’ve decided in their infinite wisdom to score me 4 this time round. I’m exactly the same as I was, crippling anxiety when outside the house, can’t walk any distance without severe pain, falls etc. How they can assess your day to day struggles in 45 minutes is a mystery! I’ve asked for a copy of my HCP assessment - nine days and waiting! 
  • sandyp196
    sandyp196 Community member Posts: 142 Empowering
    deb74 said:
    thank for the comments. i have only just found out that i should of got enhanced pip. my esa was stopped in december and i was told i had to go on job seekers. i asked benefits people if i was still getting pip when my esa was stopped as i got confused by it all. i then got a letter from them saying that my pip was safe and that i had been awarded standard rate. my next review isn't until august 2021. i have got a case worker from the cab trying to get my esa back for me. i have been getting pip since august 2016 so if i question it now they may ask me why i didn't look into it sooner and see that i have been managing on the standard rate and not change it. i had an xray on my hands on friday and i have got a blood test tomorrow. life is getting more challenging as my athritis is getting worse. i am struggling with my hands and wrists now. sometimes i can't even straighten my fingers.
    They owe you back pay at least. You were entitled to it. I hope the cab get it for you and everything else you were entitled to. 
  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    fingers crossed. the cab will be able to help me.
  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    hi cockneyrebel. even the guy i spoke to about my pip was confused by the letter i had been sent. i am a bit worried that i have left it too long to question my benefits. i have been getting pip since 2016 but my health is getting worse so it is worth a try.
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    It is not to long if they have made a mistake
    Is there any way you can post a screen shot of your letter ? without your personal details of course
    i confess I am intrigued by your case

  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    hi cockney rebel. i am a complete dinosaur when it comes to technology.  i haven't go a clue what a screen shot is.
  • susan48
    susan48 Community member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    If you have an iPhone or iPad press the home button(at the bottom of the device)and the top on/off switch together. I should take a picture of the thing on your screen.