Hearing Aid and PIP

AFB Online Community Member Posts: 64 Contributor
Hi I've had applied for pip in sept of last and when I attended the interview and awaited the decision I was awarded 8 points but when I applied to the tribunal the decision maker write in the report that you must be deaf in two ears and have a hearing aid both ears to qualify for communicating aid points but I'm only deaf from the right ear and wear a hearing aid and without the hearing aid I cannot hear properly so is the DWP being discriminating towards my condition. 


  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    If your hearing in your left ear is unimpaired then I would be suprised if you scored points, usually two hearing aids are needed to meet the PIP descriptor

  • AFB
    AFB Online Community Member Posts: 64 Contributor
    Thanks for the advice. @CockneyRebel
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    AFB said:
    Hi I've had applied for pip in sept of last and when I attended the interview and awaited the decision I was awarded 8 points but when I applied to the tribunal the decision maker write in the report that you must be deaf in two ears and have a hearing aid both ears to qualify for communicating aid points but I'm only deaf from the right ear and wear a hearing aid and without the hearing aid I cannot hear properly so is the DWP being discriminating towards my condition. 

    For PIP that is how they see it. I went to an assessment a couple of years ago and because I had forgotten to buy some new batteries I only had one hearing aid in place. The assessor wanted to check that I had the two in place as per the evidence that they had been prescribed by the hospital. Because I only had one in she said that the hearing in the other ear was fine and awarded me 0 points for just using one.
  • pigeon55
    pigeon55 Online Community Member Posts: 116 Contributor
    I have earing aids to both ears and have been diagnosed with tinnitus yet I recived no points in my pip assessment or in reconsideration report. Is this correct.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    I have always believed that telling the truth is the way forward.
    Telling the assessor that you drive a Motability car -  https://www.motability.co.uk/cars-scooters-and-powerchairs/search/bmw-2-series-218i-sport convertible -715930?
    And you only have one hearing aid.

    On the other hand there will be some that deny driving telling the assessor that the wife does it all. Not needing any hearing aids, but buy a pair off ebay - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/UK-2x-Mini-Digital-Invisible-Hearing-Aids-in-the-Ear-Best-Sound-Voice-Amplifier/223067508157?hash=item33efdc0dbd:g:lBcAAOSw7P5bUGD~:rk:2:pf:0

    along with a walking frame to get you into the assessment centre - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Walking-Frame-Zimmer-frame-Mobility-aid/273519002492?hash=item3faf00c37c:g:3R4AAOSwJp1bfBW8:rk:5:pf:0&LH_ItemCondition=3000

    All for less that £18!!!
  • pigeon55
    pigeon55 Online Community Member Posts: 116 Contributor
    So have i always believed in retelling the truth. I didn't ask for my disability and certainly didn't ask for earing aids. These were prescribed after being sent for hearing tests at my local hospital. Wasn't expecting a reply like that. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    pigeon55 said:
    So have i always believed in retelling the truth. I didn't ask for my disability and certainly didn't ask for earing aids. These were prescribed after being sent for hearing tests at my local hospital. Wasn't expecting a reply like that. Correct me if I'm wrong.
    It was a tongue in cheek comment that was not directed at you. Mind you it does go to show that if a claimant was so inclined he/she could buy this type of equipment off Ebay for a few £.
    We will never know if this actually happens although because I only had one aid in (battery failed on the other one so took it out) I didn't get any points. If I had a 'spare' off Ebay to put in I would have got the points.

  • Tardis
    Tardis Online Community Member Posts: 214 Empowering
    Are you trying to work out a way to make a fraudulent claim yadnad?  It is surely to late for that now?
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    Tardis said:
    Are you trying to work out a way to make a fraudulent claim yadnad?  It is surely to late for that now?
    No way!! Never! 
    I was just doing a bit of blue sky thinking of the ways that you could easily cheat the system and the assessor in a claim for PIP.
    Obviously you would have to have some level of disability for it to work in the main - they were thoughts of how to make things appear different to what they really are.

    Never mind let's get back to my 'Home & Gardens'.
  • deano5278
    deano5278 Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected
    I've had hearing aids in both ears and tintuitus for past 7/8 years can't live with out the  at all never got pip points at all 
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    deano5278 said:
    I've had hearing aids in both ears and tintuitus for past 7/8 years can't live with out the  at all never got pip points at all 
    Did the assessor/DWP deem them to be a choice or a need?
  • pigeon55
    pigeon55 Online Community Member Posts: 116 Contributor
    It was pointed out to me when I was at cab meeting that it was a discriptor on there conditions list. And was putting it in my reconsideration appeal saying it should stand for at least 2 pts.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    edited October 2018
    pigeon55 said:
    It was pointed out to me when I was at cab meeting that it was a discriptor on there conditions list. And was putting it in my reconsideration appeal saying it should stand for at least 2 pts.
    Absolutely, the same goes for any aid - you get 2 points.
    But if it is deemed not a need but a choice that you use the aids, then you get no points.
    It's like trundling up in a wheel chair to the assessment. The assessor has to decide if you actually need the chair or you are using it as a choice. They generally do this by looking for evidence that the NHS have assessed your needs and have prescribed a chair for you. Otherwise they are cheap as chips on Ebay!

    In my case I had evidence of my hearing aids being provided (both ears) by the NHS after they had tested my hearing. unfortunately I turned up at the assessment with only one in - you only get points if you have two in!
  • pigeon55
    pigeon55 Online Community Member Posts: 116 Contributor
    Mine were given after hearing tests at my local NHS hospital due to tintinus and hearing lose with the medical report present at my assessment.
  • deano5278
    deano5278 Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected
    @Yadnad no the asser new I needed them he did a simple test with out them in I really couldn't hear him I just left it at that n just for id get no were n it was just the system lol 
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,439 Championing
    @yadnad, you have started something now, claimants will be arriving with walking frames, hearing aids and any other Aids they can buy off eBay or their local charity shop, to improve their chances at their PIP acessment. Imaginenation runs wild of what some people may try or do.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    edited January 2019
    wilko said:
    @yadnad, you have started something now, claimants will be arriving with walking frames, hearing aids and any other Aids they can buy off eBay or their local charity shop, to improve their chances at their PIP acessment. Imaginenation runs wild of what some people may try or do.
    Something new? It's more than possible that it is already happening. It certainly is with the wheelchair claim.

    A guy I know doesn't get about all that well, but can still walk easily at least a quarter of a mile twice a day with his dog. Yet last year told me that he had bought a chair off Ebay and used it to get from the car to the assessment room and back for his PIP assessment.
     He claimed that he couldn't walk 20 metres and the reason for the chair was down to the waiting times to be assessed by the NHS.
     The assessor accepted this and awarded him the enhanced rate for mobility. He is now over the moon as he has recently taken possession of a mobility estate car that he uses to go further afield with his dog. 

    All of those aids aside I was wondering that if you have a full centre of dentures (upper and lower) would they be classed as an aid because without them eating would be impossible.
    ATHOMPSON13 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    I have just applied for PIP for my hearing loss and awaiting an assessment. I was made redundant after working for an employer for 11 years. After seeking new employment it made me realise the severity of my hearing loss and it effects me, when you nolonger work with people who support your deafness. I have two phonak hearing aids and use a Rodger Pen system supplied through Access to Work. Am I wasting my time, as I will need to take holiday from work to go the assessment? 

  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Hi @ATHOMPSON13 welcome to the community! Have you tried the online PIP self-test? This is only a guideline however it will give you an idea of what you may or may not be entitled to. Let us know if you have any further questions :)
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,454 Championing

    I have just applied for PIP for my hearing loss and awaiting an assessment. I was made redundant after working for an employer for 11 years. After seeking new employment it made me realise the severity of my hearing loss and it effects me, when you nolonger work with people who support your deafness. I have two phonak hearing aids and use a Rodger Pen system supplied through Access to Work. Am I wasting my time, as I will need to take holiday from work to go the assessment? 


    PIP isn't about a diagnosis, it's how those conditions affect your ability to carry out daily activity based on the PIP descriptors. No one on an internet forum can tell you whether you'll be successful or not because we don't know how your conditions affect you. Did you send evidence to support your claim? They very rarely contact anyone for this.

    This link may help you understand the descriptors and what they mean. It's well worth having a read.