Looking for groups and respite care in South Staffs.

Anita14 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
edited April 2018 in Everyday life
My husband is 59 & has CP but he's also had two mini strokes in the last few years. He is a wheelchair user & I have been his carer since we married 32 years ago. His condition especially his mobility has worsened probably due to the strokes and age related and sadly we're looking for the first time into respite care. But we're also looking for any groups in the area that we could join. We live in South Staffs approx. 5 miles from Wolverhampton and we're having no luck finding anything useful and were hoping some of you might have some suggestions or even come from or know our area. Thank you in advance.


  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @Anita14, welcome to the community!

    Thanks for sharing this with us. I've moved your post into our 'disabled people' category where more of our advisors and members will see it and hopefully be able to help.

    In the meantime, I wonder if you've contacted Age UK to see if they have any suggestions? They have a contact number for South Staffs: 01785 788 477, and here is their South Staffs website.
  • Anita14
    Anita14 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you PippaScope. Yes in fact we are seeing someone next week from Age UK re day centre support so they might have more info. But we would like maybe a group where we could go together and meet people maybe socially as well as for support.
  • atlas46
    atlas46 Online Community Member Posts: 817 Pioneering
    Hi Anita14

    This may be of interest Cerebral Palsy Birmingham (CPM) a charity, tel: 0121 427 3182.  They will have a good idea what may be available in Souths Staffs.

    Or may assist you to start a group

  • Anita14
    Anita14 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you atlas46 I will definitely give them a ring.