Can you get a mortgage with DLA and housing benefit?

jillyates Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Hi -can anyone tell me whether they know if it is possible to get a mortgage with DLA and Housing Benefit for my son who is autistic with LD.  He is privately renting a house atm but am worried about when I am not here and/or if the landlord decides to sell.


  • AlexandriaUK
    AlexandriaUK Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor
    Hi sadly no, benefits are not taken into account when purchasing a property, even if they were housing benefit would not be part of his income because you can only claim HB for rental properties, to claim on a mortgage you only get interest and the outstanding payments still build up hence why so many people lose their home's when they become unemployed.
    You could put his name down for either sheltered accommodation or a ciuncco property so he has a secured tenancy
  • fungirlslim
    fungirlslim Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    HI there is a scheme called HOLD.. it deals with this scenario. Home ownership for Long term Disabled. look at we are just looking into this and it sounds like it may suit you too? good luck