disability facitilities grants

bobives789 Community member Posts: 14 Connected
i have been waiting for a year to have a shower installed, i cannot use a bath. its like pulling teeth, nobody ever answers messages, my landlord orbit are the worst ever they totally ignore me even dont answer bexley council, who are trying to help me. does anyone else have these problems????????


  • disabledkenny1
    disabledkenny1 Community member Posts: 45 Contributor
    Hi is your landlord private or local council owned, sounds like you need a social services occupational therapy assessment, just ring your local social services and ask them to come and assess you then they can help & support you, I hope this helps you
  • bobives789
    bobives789 Community member Posts: 14 Connected
    everything has been done grant is done council say yes, landlord eventually got round to replying. just waiing for builders to pull finger out, apparently they have a six week window to do work, now on week 4 heard nothing

  • disabledkenny1
    disabledkenny1 Community member Posts: 45 Contributor
    they know how to take time, hope all goes well