Having trouble with mobility/bus pass

traceypheasey Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
edited April 2018 in Transport and travel
My son is 21 he has adhd, dyslexia and learning difficulties he no longer receives dla/pip but still needs help with everyday life, and 2 make his life easier he gets a mobility pass, but every year I struggle getting it for him he gets discharged from his adult mental Heath team because of his new so called doctor after 1 session and then I have to get a referral of doctor every year 2 get him back in just 2 get a bus pass form signed, why don't they keep him on list he does need help 


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  • colet
    colet CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 101 Empowering
    Where I am the council does a bus pass for people with disabilities 
  • traceypheasey
    traceypheasey Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    Yea the council do the pass but there is a part that must be filled in by a health professional and can't be your gp
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  • traceypheasey
    traceypheasey Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    It says on form not to be filled in by gp so I have to get gp to refer me bk 2 mental health team just know why they keep discharging him 
  • traceypheasey
    traceypheasey Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    Thank you for that yes I'm fuming with his mental health team he has a new doctor who is trying 2 say he's suddenly OK just because he got turned down for pip
  • traceypheasey
    traceypheasey Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    So sorry to hear about this, @traceypheasey. It must be really frustrating to have to continually go through this process. Are you appealing the PIP decision?

    I'm sure you'll have seen this already, but just in case, below is the criteria listed on the travel permit site, in case your son can prove eligible against any of the other measures:

    You may be able to qualify for a permit if you:

    • are registered blind, partially sighted or deaf
    • are unable to speak
    • have a learning disability registered with Social Services
    • have substantial and long-term disabilities or injuries which severely impacts your ability to walk
    • are a current blue badge holder
    • have lost the use of both arms
    • are unable to drive because of a health problem, such as autism or epilepsy
    • have, or currently suffer from, a psychiatric disorder, or have an enhanced level care programme approach
  • traceypheasey
    traceypheasey Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    He has learning difficulties and is on the disability case register and we appealed for pip and got turned down again, how would I get him registered with social services
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @traceypheasey Pleased to meet you. You are obviously having a lot of issues to deal with here. Thinking and reading your story. Sometimes you need some intervention.

    You are a parent struggling with your son's disability.  What I would suggest is to try for an advocate. I live on my own have disability and mental illness.

    My support has disappeared but am trying to cope. Again this is the system. Look for other support. If not council obviously not working. Try other charities.

    Who says disability or mental health or illness needs to be dealt with councils. I have applied for help once council. Most of my support is through charities.

    Charities offer lots of avenue's to explore and can have loads of benefits.

    Yes limited time but comes with a support network. Also the advocate . Applied for that numerous times because hitting brick walls. So advocate stepped in Doctors best friend and everything OK.

    If a problem with doctors change that.

    Are you appealing PIP decision you need to. Have by then some one in your corner to fight for you. That is what charities can do.

    Look at Welfare Rights or Disability UK for advice or SCOPE.
  • traceypheasey
    traceypheasey Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    Thank you for that thespiceman
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    He has learning difficulties and is on the disability case register and we appealed for pip and got turned down again, how would I get him registered with social services
    Maybe you just need to ring and ask them.
    A gp letter used to be sufficient if you couldn't drive for medical reasons. I can't and in DLA that only gave low mobility so excempt.

    Thank goodness he has you. I feel for anyone not having someone to fight their corner. 

  • traceypheasey
    traceypheasey Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    I know I'm his mum n used 2 get carers allowance but havnt had it 4 2 years now but I still obviously have 2 do loads for him think that's why we,don't get no help cos they expect me 2 do it
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    Victoriad said:
    Health professional could be a mental heath social worker, social worker,nurse, occupational therapist, physiotherapist..........

    I don't have any of them. I'm. Whoever answers the phone that day. 
    Why can't it be a gp, they are likely the one who prescribe your medication for the condition that means you cant drive.

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    I know I'm his mum n used 2 get carers allowance but havnt had it 4 2 years now but I still obviously have 2 do loads for him think that's why we,don't get no help cos they expect me 2 do it
    Did you do the MR get your assessors report? 
    Depending on the timescale you could reapply because someone with learning difficulties to me isn't necessarily going to understand the dangers with cooking etc.
    You would fit the descriptors.
  • traceypheasey
    traceypheasey Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    It's been 2 years 
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    Maybe pop to CAB to get help with the forms. 
    Agree with spiceman, in some cases charities help where the council fail. 

    Are you with adult social services or the adult mental health team. You shouldn't be getting discharged completely surely because who funds daycare/ respite etc? 
  • traceypheasey
    traceypheasey Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    His new doctor says he thinks there's nothing wrong with him n tells him he needs 2 get on with his life and thinks I'm 2 much of an influence on him. I don't know who 2 complain 2 he's horrible
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