Phobias and Obsessions

whistles Online Community Member Posts: 1,998 Championing
I don't want to pry but I don't want to feel alone either!

I sort of have a weird phobia. Should be writing HAD, but I think it's seeping under the door like a bad smell. I try not to 'feed it' but I have also learnt that shoving it under the carpet isn't good either.

I didn't put any of this on PIP, no point it's not severe. Chatted to my gp and as I can rationalize their thinking is, it's not a problem. 

It's certain types of people. And that makes exposure and dealing with it a little awkward if those certain people know you have a problem! Especially with them, they are just people right!
I do every four to six week come into contact with them and you would think, breathe, rational, safe. Nope, my body can do panic attack, shaking, feeling sick and need to leave. 

Don't stress yourselves chatting about things. Just writing the above has made me anxious. 
Isn't the mind wonderful and also a nuisance!!!


  • sandyp196
    sandyp196 Online Community Member Posts: 142 Empowering
    edited April 2018
    I have many phobias.  Some are vey disabling and some are downright dangerous.
     My brain will latch on to a certain or random thing. There is no rhyme or reason to some of the phobias i have developed. It even surprises me!   
    It's a daily struggle and one which many dont understand. 
    The word phobia is used a lot by people to describe things they don't like or avoid or scare them a little. 
    It has devalued the meaning of what a phobia actually means in reality. 
    I understand what you are going through. 
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 1,998 Championing
    I guess everyone can be effected in different ways.
    The daily take over your life to the less so. I would like to hope I am less so. But it's on my mind everyday almost like a rumination of how to spend time with them to deal with it. 
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    I don't have a phobia, but I am very, very scared of frogs. I am not scared of any other animals, I'm fine with spiders, insects, mice, rats, snakes, but frogs are my downfall.

    If I see I frog, I can't breathe, I panic, I try and get away or I just close my eyes and put my fingers in my ears!!

    We had some in the garden and my kids picked them up to look at them, I stood on the garden table crying till they moved away! 

    I am very scared, but I understand what @sandyp196 is saying about how the word phobia is thrown around a lot, it's like when people say theyre "a bit OCD" because they like their shelves lined up a certain way.  That must be very frustrating for those who are dealing with true OCD and phobias.
  • sandyp196
    sandyp196 Online Community Member Posts: 142 Empowering
    Sam_Scope said:
    I don't have a phobia, but I am very, very scared of frogs. I am not scared of any other animals, I'm fine with spiders, insects, mice, rats, snakes, but frogs are my downfall.

    If I see I frog, I can't breathe, I panic, I try and get away or I just close my eyes and put my fingers in my ears!!

    We had some in the garden and my kids picked them up to look at them, I stood on the garden table crying till they moved away! 

    I am very scared, but I understand what @sandyp196 is saying about how the word phobia is thrown around a lot, it's like when people say theyre "a bit OCD" because they like their shelves lined up a certain way.  That must be very frustrating for those who are dealing with true OCD and phobias.
    It wasn't my intention to diminish anyone's fears. From what you describe I would call your fear of frogs a definite phobia.    
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 1,998 Championing
    I'm trying the 'nervous' word instead of the phobia.
    I'm not fearful of if I am in control. So that leaves nervous.

    I think nervous is a more accepted term for me to try and keep tabs on it.
    I know people who are nervous of flying but I would not ridicule them, but I can pretty much guarantee I would get a puzzled look if I told anyone.
    It's a need to know basis. 
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    I didnt think you were trying to do that @sandyp196 :) Im just aware that though I am very frightened, it doesnt actually affect me on a day to day basis.
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    I actually used to be very scared of a lot of things, heights, speed, things I perceived as dangerous.  But interestingly since I have had major surgeries and ended up in HDU, I have let so many of the fears go.  They just seemed silly after surviving what Id been through and I didnt want my fear to stop my trying new things.

    But I cant seem to let go of the frog fear, even typing the word makes me shudder!!
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
  • fishingmum
    fishingmum Online Community Member Posts: 562 Empowering
    spiders and jenny longlegs, both freak me out and I am climbing on units to get away from them. my obsessions come in bouts, then I go of it for a while, normally food storage and wool.
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 1,998 Championing
    Certain words associated with used to be hard to write let alone say. 
    But I have found some tv programmes guaranteed to show me all the things I don't like. I watched and watched and watched until it was so boring, I got no reaction or response. 
    I can't do that with real life though with the real people. Could be seen as a weird person!
  • fishingmum
    fishingmum Online Community Member Posts: 562 Empowering
    everybody is someone else's idea of a weirdo, I am perfectly happy being weird. You should enjoy your weirdness.
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    Im scared of people and losing control around people.  
  • fishingmum
    fishingmum Online Community Member Posts: 562 Empowering
    @debbiedo49I am afraid of doing jail time as well, lol.
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 1,998 Championing
    everybody is someone else's idea of a weirdo, I am perfectly happy being weird. You should enjoy your weirdness.
    I usually say takes one to know one. But my latest response is I can't be pip said I was fine. 

    If it effects your day to day functioning then it's a problem. So because I am using nervous over fear. I say I am in control. 
    I am in control. Go away, I am in control.