Interesting reading

GizmoTiddles Online Community Member Posts: 156 Empowering
edited May 2018 in Coffee lounge
I don't know if this has been brought up already ,my apologies if so 
If not have a read

Had to laugh at the DWP response :smile:

“We no longer routinely reassess people with the most severe and lifelong health conditions or disabilities for ESA, and for PIP we are working to ensure those who are awarded the highest level of support get an award duration that is appropriate to the condition and needs arising.    
Cheers :smiley:


  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,017 Championing
    edited May 2018
    I can only go by my experiences.
    The first part of that statement is true.

    However, anyone who has to migrate from IR ESA to UC, has to have an assessment by the looks of it. There are four groups.
    So they have " moved the goal posts" ?

    The second part is true as well. I have a fluctuating condition, it will be present when they reasses. How much present will determine the award I guess.

    Not denying it's looking like a shambles though. Was DLA like this. I honestly don't know I wasn't online to read all the ****.
  • GizmoTiddles
    GizmoTiddles Online Community Member Posts: 156 Empowering
    Way back I was seen by a DWP Dr for SDA and awarded it 
    Followed shortly by another assessment by the Dr for DLA awarded 1 yr 
    Then a HV by another DWP Dr awarded 2 yrs HRM
    Then the same Dr HV ,appealed it  awarded HRM  LFC indefinitely 
    A good friend took her 12 yrs of fighting ,first an appeal for SDA won that 
    Then a fight and appeal for DLA won that as well HRM .MRC indefinitely. 
    So yes still a shambles having to prove your conditions .
    Now as we all know its how the conditions impact on your daily activities  .

    What will they come up with next ..a dunking stool ?
    Cheers gizmo
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,017 Championing
    I applied for SDA and got it. Though I have no recollection if when and the why now.
    They keep changing things and my brain no longer follows.