Refused PIP, General Assessment section is fictional

Paws Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Got my copy of my report today (I've also had to chase my decision, the man on the phone was able to tell me it's been refused. I've been refused and had to go to tribunal before..)

Everything she's written in the general bit is outright wrong, and based on that they've invalidated my entire claim. (Examples: ignored that I stated I was in discomfort doing those exercises and have written I showed 'sub-optimal effort', also ignored that I told them about being in contact with my counsellor and when asked the question about suicidal thoughts and the like I got distressed)

How on earth am I going to challenge this? 


  • Paws
    Paws Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    At the moment I've drafted up something similar to:
    'I was not asked how I attended the assessment, it was assumed.'
    'I displayed discomfort several times.'
    'I did not engage with the assessor as claimed'

    Need to redo as 'I am unable to' statements?