What would you like to study?

Chuppachups Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected
edited May 2018 in Coffee lounge
I am hoping to study  Art next year does anyone else know what they would like to study?


  • fishingmum
    fishingmum Online Community Member Posts: 562 Empowering
    I do not go to college to study but for my own interest each year I find something to add in, learning something new helps keep my brain going, last year I added in counselling but I think this year I will do more on the subject as there is a lot to learn and think I would enjoy continuing it. Good luck with art, I can not draw to save myself, even my children ask what it is when they look at my stick men lol
  • Chuppachups
    Chuppachups Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected
    Thank you For Sharing With Me @fishingmum
  • exdvr
    exdvr Online Community Member Posts: 324 Empowering

    Hi @chuppachups....excellent question.   I was always brilliant at arithmetic but never could get to grips with mathematics...constant source of regret.

    Another subject I always wanted to pursue was geography, volcanology in particular.  The current situation in Hawaii is enthralling.

    At the age of 70 it's too late for me to start a new career so my advice to you is to make an early decision on what YOU want to do, and GO FOR IT.

    Very best wishes.

  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    I am studying child care. Like @fishingmum I think it’s a good idea to keep using your brain. I look up free courses online or through the local council
  • fishingmum
    fishingmum Online Community Member Posts: 562 Empowering
    @debbiedo49 the open university do lots of free short courses, it is always something you can have a bit of fun learning, also alison.com, although no certificates it can give you an idea of a course and lets you have a choice if you want to study it or not
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    I use funding like I L A to do short courses online. Also was told Nas does free courses on autism which I am interested in doing next. Would love to learn to driive but cant afford it. However, would like to study and pass the theory test and coax my son to do it as well. I am going to be 50 this year and am annoyed at myself not being able to drive yet. I think if you cant manage a full course of learning then start off doing a module and go from there. Its also good to try your local adult education Department for free courses where you live. For me its all about what I am comfortable with.
    SHEBA Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    Psychology would be my choice,or/and counselling,I have done some voluntary work ,and a short course ,and it piqued my interest.Helps me to understand myself ,and others.
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    A different language. How to fit new windows 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    I am currently studying psychology and child development at university, I love it so much! However, I would love to study journalism :)
  • AlisonNetty
    AlisonNetty Online Community Member Posts: 192 Empowering
    Got no brain power so have to start all over again.  
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    Pole dancing 
  • cracker
    cracker Online Community Member Posts: 322 Empowering
    Plants,animals and the psychology used to get consumers to buy things, how our minds are influenced by advertising and media.
  • sherrytuc
    sherrytuc Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Accountancy to keep my mind working while my body gives up but could never afford to do it. How do I find out about free courses ? Do I need to be on benefits to be able to qualify?
  • cracker
    cracker Online Community Member Posts: 322 Empowering
    Just Google Free Courses. There are a lot of them, many from universities. I think you can find almost any subject you are interested in.
  • sherrytuc
    sherrytuc Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Wow thank you I will. 
  • AlisonNetty
    AlisonNetty Online Community Member Posts: 192 Empowering
    Thanks I'll have a look. Hugs netty 
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    There is a thing called my world of work. If you go on to the training for a job section you will find out about funding for courses . Also google individual learning account it’s funding up to 200 pounds for some courses depending on your income. Your local adult education department will be able to advise you about funding 
  • vysvader
    vysvader Online Community Member Posts: 130 Contributor
    edited November 2018
    In a pragmatic and safety-conscious manner, especially in your case, it's furthermore reasonable to study for a paper/proof about your abilities. People can be biased against your abilities while you're (in any way) disable. That's what the biases are about, don't search for a relevancy and logic in logical fallacies, biased points of views. It's not nice, but that's the reality. I currently study in computer science (math, programming, algorithms, etc) at a university and am only graded according to correct solutions/results (you can't pass a math exam or programming without correct solutions/reasoning), however, even in this case, people don't like to present me as an equal even in a comparison to people those don't study at all, neither as self-thought, nor at a university. It brutally cuts on the opportunities and salary, might be worse without the "papers". It's good if you're self-thought learners just it will be hard to find a practical usage because the chances are, you're gonna be discriminated.

    Later, I will go for data science, or something else related to computer science, however, If I might study yet something else then I'd be interested in genetics, biotechnology, and biology in general (of herbs, GMO and threes breeding, etc...).

    Nowadays, you've got rich options and it's very easy to get involved. It's already a standard, from 1840, you can do it also as an external student against a degree, supported by universities in any country (on a distant learning programs as classic daily programs, with the same degree), so you're missing the vast majority of the face to face contact with the professors, but you're getting a reading/videos instead of it and the professors grade you for your results (normally, of course), not attendance because we'd never visited any schools for an attendance, it's for knowledge/skills (the study itself), the attendance it's irrelevant while there's another way to support the learning.

    In my case, I'm doing it online, under web cameras and a microphone... We're skyping + they get remote control over and view on my desktop Pc and screen, check my Pc content (they can because of the remote control over my Pc), the professor checks all the room, what is under the table, etc... with a webcam, there's a microphone so they can hear any voice, it can take 20+ minutes just the checks... However, it can be almost the same as a live face to face interactions. 

    Best regards,
    J. Vysvader