Can I stop work to care for my daughter?

SkyMary7 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Connected
hi im currently off sick due to depression and compassion fatigue due the effects of adopting a 7 year old little girl 17 months ago. We receive DLA and my partner gets carers allowance. I also have a rare brain condition called chari type 1. My daughter does not sleep and wakes every hour through the night screaming due abuse and trauma. Im on the sick due to the effects this is having on myself and the effect of my condition. im wanting to give work up and devote my time to my daughter. I have been advised we could claim ESA, but there are two parts. What are the chances of me being able to claim the part wherr I won't be exoected to job b search. I have applied for PIP and have my face to face interview at my home 17th May. Which is another question I have why is at in my home and not an office based interview. thank you for any advice. x


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,669 Championing
    I've just answered your other post but now i see more info on here. It really does get confusing when you have to posts at  the same time.

    I see you're claiming DLA and Carers Allowance for your daughter. Does your partner claim Income Support along side the Carers Allowance? If so then you should be claiming this as a couple. You can't claim ESA and Income Support.